Verb + ing

Verb+ verb(ing)
Love ( I love playing guitar at the weekends)
Like ( I like speaking with people)
Dislike ( I dislike standing in a long line)
Hate ( I hate working on weekends)
Don't mind ( I don't mind travelling to Africa)
Can't stand ( I can't stand listening pop-music)
Enjoy ( I enjoy teaching)
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Slide 1: Tekstslide

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Verb+ verb(ing)
Love ( I love playing guitar at the weekends)
Like ( I like speaking with people)
Dislike ( I dislike standing in a long line)
Hate ( I hate working on weekends)
Don't mind ( I don't mind travelling to Africa)
Can't stand ( I can't stand listening pop-music)
Enjoy ( I enjoy teaching)

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Phrases with -ing-
I am interested in skating.

I am keen on swimming.

I am crazy about dancing.

I am fond of collecting coins.

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Common verbs with -ing-
- adore- (обожнювати) I adore acting at the theatre.
- avoid- (уникати) I avoid talking to people.
-risk- (ризикувати) I always risk loosing my money.
-give up- (здаватися) I never give up learning English.
-imagine- (уявляти) I imagine swimming in the ocean.
-suggest- (пропонувати) I suggest drinking coffee. I suggest you drinking coffee.

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Would like
Would like to do smth
(хотів би)
I would like to go to this festival.
I would like to drive a bike.
I would like to take a photo with you.

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Verb + to 
-afford- (дозволити собі (фінансово)) I can afford to pay the whole price.
-promise- (обіцяти) I promise to learn English.
-want-(хотіти) I want to eat some fruits.
-learn-(вчити) I learn how to park my car.
-offer-  (пропонувати) I offer to clean their table.
-hope- (надіятися) I hope to finish my studies.

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Start, Finish, Continue
start doing smth
I start learning new language.
finish doing smth
I finish making project.
continue (keep) doing smth
I continue exercising in the gym.
I keep eating healthy food.

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Plan + to 

I plan to visit Mexico one day.

I am planning to see my family next week.

I planned to go to the dentist one month ago.

I will plan to change my job in the future.

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Can you __________ (imagine/to imagine) __________ (spend) a day at the beach, with the waves crashing and the sun shining?

I __________ (would like/to like) __________ (visit) the art museum this weekend. The new exhibition is supposed to be fantastic.
She __________ (hopes/to hope) __________ (finish) her novel by the end of the month.
We __________ (suggest/to suggest) __________ (take) a different route to avoid the heavy traffic.
I __________ (hate/to hate) __________ (clean) the house, but it needs to be done.
Do you __________ (mind/to mind) __________ (wait) a few minutes? I'll be right back.
They __________ (plan/to plan) __________ (travel) to Europe next summer.
It's essential to __________ (avoid/to avoid) __________ (procrastinate) if you want to meet your goals.
I __________ (promise/to promise) __________ (help) you with your project after I finish mine.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide