Effective customer service Level 2 Unit 1 LO1

Effective customer service Level 2 Unit 1 LO1
Effective customer service
1 / 27
Slide 1: Tekstslide
Travel and tourimsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

In deze les zitten 27 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

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Effective customer service Level 2 Unit 1 LO1
Effective customer service

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Learning Objectives
  • Understand the assignment 
  • Identify customer needs
  • ways to obtain feedback
  • quality of information
  • timing and quantity of information
  • appearance of the environment
  • training
  • being pro active

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The learner could produce a case study report describing a range of different customer types and how their needs are met, or exceeded, by types of facilities and services in at least 2 different organisations. These would include hotel, travel agent, tourist information centre, tour guiding, transport operator.

The learner will describe good customer service, including having a welcoming attitude, good listening skills, being polite and efficient etc.
Learners should include a description of how customer service is measured and the importance of it (eg mystery shopper, Michelin Guide, travel research platforms (eg Trip Advisor), organisation’s own website or customer satisfaction survey).
Evidence could be obtained by watching relevant TV programmes or visiting organisations and enabling learners to work out solutions to an identified problem halfway through or before the end of the programme or visit.
Produce a written statement as to why any customer service is important. This would include examples of customer service policies; complaints procedures; staff recruitment and training.
Produce a study of company policy statements, such as one large - eg TUI, Hilton, McDonalds, British Airways - and one smaller, eg Sunvil, Hays Travel, Flybe, a local restaurant. A comparison of a selection of these should be included.

The learner could produce a case study report describing a range of different customer types and how their needs are met, or exceeded, by types of facilities and services in at least 2 different organisations. These would include hotel, travel agent, tourist information centre, tour guiding, transport operator.

The learner will describe good customer service, including having a welcoming attitude, good listening skills, being polite and efficient etc.

Learners should include a description of how customer service is measured and the importance of it (eg mystery shopper, Michelin Guide, travel research platforms (eg Trip Advisor), organisation’s own website or customer satisfaction survey).

Evidence could be obtained by watching relevant TV programmes or visiting organisations and enabling learners to work out solutions to an identified problem halfway through or before the end of the programme or visit.
Produce a written statement as to why any customer service is important. This would include examples of customer service policies; complaints procedures; staff recruitment and training.
Produce a study of company policy statements, such as one large - eg TUI, Hilton, McDonalds, British Airways - and one smaller, eg Sunvil, Hays Travel, Flybe, a local restaurant. A comparison of a selection of these should be included.

Assignment Brief  LO1

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Grade Criteria 

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Customer Service
Customer service -

 is the direct one-on-one interaction between a consumer and an employee of an organisation/company. The interaction is commonly done when a consumer is buying a product or service from the company. 

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Effective customer service Level 2 Unit 1 LO1
Customer service Task
You have 3 minutes to define what customer service is, without using the words customer and service.

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Effective customer service Level 2 Unit 1 LO1
What is excellent customer service 
Excellent customer service –

Going above and beyond to meet the customers needs, creating a rapport with the customer, understanding their needs and wants and ensuring they are satisfied with their service/product.

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In your table groups create a list of the top ten airlines voted for the best customer service.

1 – being the top voted airline

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Top Airlines for customer service –
1 - Qatar Airways
2 – Etihad
3 – Turkish Airlines
4 – Jet Blue
5 – Southwest
6 – SAS
7 – Delta
8 – Saudia
9 – KLM
10 – Lufthansa

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What do you know about effective cummunication?

Slide 11 - Woordweb

Identifying Customer Needs and Feedback
Customer Needs: 

Requirements or expectations that customers have towards a service or product.

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Quality and Quantity of Information
Information Quality: 

The accuracy, relevance, and comprehensiveness of information provided to customers.

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Quality and Quantity of Information
  • Customers value accurate and interesting information Many hotels train staff in local knowledge and provide information on local tourist attractions/events

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Timing of Service and Information Provision
Timing of Service:

The provision of services and information at moments most beneficial or convenient for customers.

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Appearance of the Environment
Environment Appearance: 

The visual and physical condition of the service setting, impacting customer perceptions.

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Appearance of the Environment
It is the responsibility of the organisation and everyone who works in it to ensure the environment, both in customer areas and behind the scenes, is kept clean, replenished and in good condition.

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Training for Excellent Customer Service
Staff Training: 
The process of educating employees about product knowledge, technical skills, and customer service skills.

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Training for Excellent Customer Service
Unless staff are given induction and refresher training, including product knowledge, technical training and customer service training, an organisation cannot expect its employees to give superb, effective customer service.

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Being Pro-active and responsive
Pro-Active and Responsive: Anticipating customer needs and promptly addressing them to enhance customer satisfaction.

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Being Pro-Active and Responsive
  • Excellent customer service depends upon being pro-active taking action before the customer asks for it.
  • Watch good shop assistants, cabin crew and waiters, for example: they constantly scan their area, looking for clues that a customer needs attention, and checking with them their needs are met.
  • As the public becomes more sophisticated, has higher disposable incomes and receives better customer service, so it will change its interpretation of what excellent customer service is.

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Challenges in Providing Excellent Customer Service
Continuous staff training, staying abreast of customer expectations, maintaining high service standards.

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In summary
Good organisations:
  • know customers needs
  • provide timely and quality information
  • ensure the working environment looks good
  • gain and act upon performance feedback
  • train staff
  • are responsive and proactive

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Slide 24 - Video

Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 25 - Open vraag

Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 26 - Open vraag

At the end of the lesson:
  • you will understand the assignment and grade criteria
  • you will be able to identify customer needs and obtaining feedback
  • you will be understand why quality and quantity of information is important
  • you will recognise the significance of timing of service and information's.
  • you will recognise the significance of appearance of environment, Training, being proactive and responding. 

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