Reading test 1

practise reading test
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 3

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practise reading test

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

1.Read the text above and answer the
questions (1 point per question)

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1. The title of this story is Angel Saves Boy, because ...

A. there was an angel in the garden.

B. the police were like angels.

C.  the dog that saved the boy was an angel.

D.  the dog that saved the boy is called Angel. 

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2. What was Austin doing in the
back garden?

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

3. This story took place in:
a. The winter
b. The summer
c. In Scotland
d. In Belgium

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4. What happened in the garden?

A. A cougar wanted to attack Austin.

B. Austin and Angel started to fight.

C.  Austin got hurt.

D.  The dog ran away.

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5. Which sentence is false?

A. The cougar was stronger than the dog.

B. Austin was saved by the cougar.

C. The dog was almost killed.

D.  The dog jumped right in front of the cougar.


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Tip: Remember to answer both parts of the question.

6. Austin’s mother called 911. Did
the police come quickly? How do you know?

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What did Austin do to thank Angel?

A. He took her to hospital.

B. He went to town with his grandpa.

C. He gave her a steak.

D. Austin didn’t do anything.

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B). Read the text and see next slide for the questions

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B).  Are the sentences true (T), false (F), or don’t you know (?) (5 points total, 0,5 point for each correct answer).

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

C) Read the text and answer all questions, points are given per question 

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D). Read
the text and answer the questions.


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D). Read the text, Looking for Love and answer the questions.

1. In her job, Lisa has to _____. to other countries

B.write about politics

C.interview politicians abroad


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E. Read the article again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Lisa doesn’t want to change her job.

2. She goes out with some of her school friends.

3. She thinks she is extrovert.

4.She enjoys watching films.

5. She plays a lot of team sports.

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F. Tornadoes in Kansas 

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F. Choose the correct answer.

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Slide 24 - Tekstslide

G. Read
the text about The world's longest marriage and answer the question in whole English sentences.  (1 point for each correct answer).

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Tip: Remember to answer using complete sentences

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