Week 3: Toetsvaardigheid

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Slide 1: Tekstslide

In deze les zitten 14 slides, met tekstslides.

Onderdelen in deze les

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This week -> you know more about tests and to figure out the meaning of certain words.

This week -> you know what prefixes and suffixes are.  

Next week -> tests. 

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Signal words
See booklet you received
How can the signal words help you? 

Cause and result (consequently, as a result) 
Contrast (whereas, rather, on the other hand)
Enumeration (furthermore, in addition to) 

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My advice
Choose a few of each category, study those, know them by ❤️

Base your choiches on the practice exams not on what you find easiest, exams don't work that way

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Prefixes and suffixes 

Prefixes and suffixes add extra meaning to a word. It helps to know certain fixes and their functions 

Voorvoegsels en nazetsels ;) 

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Means again or in response 
Gives a word a negative meaning. 
Gives a negative meaning or makes it the opposite
Dislike, Disease 
Gives an opposite meaning 
Unlock, uncover

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A state / quality 
Kindness, happiness, illness
Without something
Fearless, restless 
An action becomes a noun
Measurement, retirement, 
Adverb / manner of
Significantly, fastly, 
To make a person of a word
Waitress, stewardess
Teacher, baker
Pharmacist, scientist 

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We have come across certain words multiple times, since these words are used over and over again in almost every exam that must make them important

                                          We can make 2 categories
The ones in the questions                                  The ones in the texts 

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In the questions 
What becomes clear ..... -> wat word er duidelijk in ...
Ze willen dat je aangeeft waar een bepaald stuk tekst voor komt. 

What is the goal? -> wat is het doel? 
Wat zeggen ze, figuurlijk, over.. 

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In the questions 
What does ...... suggest? -> waar doelt ..... op / 
wat zegt ....... in andere woorden? 

What did Mr Bean say according to the text -> 
wat zei Mr Bean volgens de tekst? 
Zoek de optie die hetzelfde betekent als in de tekst. 

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In the questions 
What can be concluded by ... -> wat kunnen we concluderen, aannemen uit de tekst
Het staat er dus niet helemaal letterlijk

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Vocabulary in the text
Read through the wordlists 

If you want some, take some

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Time to choose: 
Practice test reading / practice test Woots

By yourself / with your classmate / with the teacher? 

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