2.5 Colonialism and slavary

2.5 Colonialism and slavery
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 20 slides, met tekstslides en 2 videos.

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2.5 Colonialism and slavery

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Learning objectives
Explanation of the material
Learning objectives

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Cause and consequences?

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Colonies in America
Large parts of Central and South America were colonized by Spain (many people migrated).
Due to colonization, Europeans spread their culture outside Europe (expansion). Europeanization (Christianity).
Many of the migrants were men who married Indigenous women.

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The Spaniards dominated their overseas territories to profit from them. This is called colonialism.
Agriculture generated large capitals (large amounts of money).
The colonists established plantations in the Caribbean and along the coast of South America.
On these plantations, a single crop was grown in large quantities and sold in Europe.
In the 16th century, sugar plantations were especially prominent, but later also tobacco, cacao, and coffee.

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Initially, Indigenous people were put to work, but this was banned by Charles V in 1543.
The Spaniards then began to bring slaves from West Africa, who were more resistant to diseases.
Later, the Netherlands, France, and England also started establishing plantations in the Caribbean.
This region was called the West Indies or The West.

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Trade between continents
Transatlantic slave trade (triangle trade)

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Historical skills

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(Standpoint relativity)
  • Human thinking and behavior in the past can be explained from that time period.
  • Human thinking and behavior can be explained from their background, such as religion, politics, gender, or culture.

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Standplaatsgebondenheid = historisch begrip
An opinion is determined by
  • personal circumstances (e.g., age, gender, upbringing, education, religion, and personal experiences),
  • social position (ruler or ruled, rich or poor, native or immigrant), 
  • the historical situation in which someone lives (economic crisis, war, class society).

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Standplaatsgebondenheid = historisch begrip
Een mening wordt bepaald door 
  • de persoonlijke omstandigheden (bijvoorbeeld leeftijd, geslacht, opvoeding, opleiding, godsdienst en persoonlijke ervaringen)
  • de sociale positie (heerser of de geregeerde, rijk of arme, autochtoon of allochtoon) 
  • historische situatie waarin iemand leeft (economische crisis, oorlog, standenmaatschappij).

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Questions you can ask
Why do people do what they do? And why do people think what they think?
In the past, those circumstances and customs were different from today. If you know which time period it concerns, think about what you know about that time.
What did people live from? What problems did they face? What customs, traditions, and knowledge did they have?

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Vragen die je kan stellen
Waarom doen mensen wat ze doen? En waarom denken mensen wat ze denken? 
Vroeger waren die omstandigheden en gewoonten anders dan nu. Als je weet om welke tijd het gaat, bedenk dan wat je van die tijd weet. 
Waar leefden mensen van? Welke problemen waren er? Welke gewoonten, gebruiken en kennis hadden ze?

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Scources: What do you ask yourself?
1. What is the background of the creator of the source?
2. How does this background influence the opinion of the creator of the source?

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What did you learn today
In this paragraph, you will learn...

- how European colonies in America were established
- how colonists made Indigenous people and Black Africans work as slaves
- what trade took place between continents

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Lets get to work
Here is the translation:

Next lesson: SO 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and standpoint relativity. (standplaatsgebondenheid)
Check Magister carefully to see what needs to be learned for the test.
If you have any questions, stop by during the Dalton hour or send me a massage on Hoy.

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