Crime vocabulary

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 15 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 30 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

30 seconds
1.    Murder                2.    Kidnapping      3.    Burglary      4.    Mugging
5.    Pickpocketing 6.    Arson                 7.    Rape.            8.    Hijacking
9.    Fraud                  10.    Theft                 11.    Manslaughter
12.    Smuggling      13.    Shoplifting

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

David Smith got drunk one night and decided to drive home. As he turned a corner he crashed into another car and killed the driver.

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John James pretended to start a business and persuaded some people to lend him some money. He used the money to go on a holiday to the Carribean.

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Ronnie Tyler pulled out a gun from his pocket and shot the bank guard five times in the head.

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Vincent Tapper took a pistol and ordered the pilot to fly to Miami.

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Johnnie Smeghurst set fire to his school after failing all his exams.

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Joe Sykes forced his girlfriend to have sex with him.

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Paul Winters and Jennifer Summers stopped millionaire William Gates outside his home and forced him to go with them. They demanded 30 million dollars from the family to free him.

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Nigel Handy waited until night, carefully forced open the window and climbed into the house. He took the TV and a lot of money.

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Pete Murphy often went to the shopping center and took wallets from the people shopping. They never felt a thing!

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Anne Clinton walked around the department store and, making sure no one was watching, put two expensive watches into her bag.

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Harry Lee waited on a dark corner until the young woman turned into the street. Then he jumped out, hit her in the face, and ran off with her leather handbag.

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John Bottomless was caught at the customs with $500,000 worth of cocaine hidden the doors of his car.

Slide 14 - Open vraag

Rest of the Lesson
Prepare Mock Trial with your group.

Paper Reader page 34 or Reader page 35
Text 1 The Web and the Law

Slide 15 - Tekstslide