Sumativo A + Script IDU (2p) - 07/02

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In deze les zitten 10 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 15 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Iconos importantes para nuestras clases. 
¡Adivina su significado!

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Google doc. para MYP2
  • ¿Quién  el voluntario de hoy para tomar notas? / who is going to volunteer to take notes today? Aquí

  • Do you have all the materials?
Hoy es treinta y uno de enero de dos mil veinticinco
Kayden y Liza
Adam y Milana
Rhea y Mark
Jules y Abigail
Toya y Amena 
Daphne y Osher
Sakuna y Lyze
Noa y Ella R. 
Margot, Ella y Noga
Teachers desk

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Sumativo A (listening)
Sumativo A (listening) en


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Guidelines/tips to prepare the for the summative
1. Revise the LessonUps used in class and if needed do again the activities. 
2. Revise the notes that you have taken in class (your yellow notebook).
3. Revise the Google document that we all share: 
4. Complete the activities of the workbook Mira 1

Do not forget to bring your laptop fully charged
Bring your headphones

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Escribir el "script" para el vídeo

  • Today you are writing the script you will use for your video. This text will help you to know what you are going to say and show in front of the camera. 
  • As stated before, it is not a "reading out loud" assessment. Use this script to rehearse and repeat as much as you need. 

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The use of AI/ translation tools is strictly forbidden. 

See the rubrics for the script (they also apply to the video)

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Write your script based on the task
The task
IMAGINE You are going to spend a week with a Spanish family and before going you want to send them a video of yourself, your house and your family in order to show them how you live in Holland.


The due date for the script is TODAY before the end of the lesson.

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The task
You are going to spend a week with a Spanish family and before going you want to send them a video of yourself, your house and your family in order to show them how you live in Holland.
The product
  • A video where you introduce your family and the place you live. 
  • You should present everything in Spanish using appropriate vocabulary and verbs. 
  • Do not forget to conjugate the verbs correctly. Use only the vocabulary, tenses and language forms that we have learnt in class. If you need to use a word you got from an online dictionary, identify the word and cite the source in your script. 
  • The use of tenses and language forms obtained from sources such as: another person, AI, Google Translate, etc., will be penalised. The work has to be entirely your own. In your Lesson Up´s and booklet Cuaderno A. Mira 1 you will find all you need.
  • It is a speaking assessment and not a “reading out loud” assessment. Therefore, reading from the screen, notebook or paper sheet is not acceptable.
  • You have to appear in the video the whole time.
  • The video will not be shown in class. Only your teacher will watch it for assessing purposes. 


  • Can I use translation tools or AI or ask my friend/dad/mom to tell me some words/phrases, etc?
  • No, the work has to be entirely your own.

  • I want to mention something and I need to look it up in the dictionary, may I do it? 
  • You can use up to five words that you got from a (online) dictionary under the condition that you cite the source in your script.

  • I need to use some tenses (past tense, future, etc) because I want to communicate something very specific. May it do it?
  • No, this is a summative assessment and we are assessing the knowledge and skills acquired during Unit 2 and we expect to see only that. Using other tenses or language forms is not advisable and can be penalized as academic dishonesty when the source is not cited beforehand in the script.

  • My family does not want me to film my house. I can not do the assessment. What do I do now? 
  • We do not need to see the space itself, you can walk through the house and film the ceiling or only your face while walking through the spaces. 

  • I just was able to read from the screen/notebook. Is that okay?
  • No, as mentioned before, this is not a "reading out loud assessment". We know your are good at reading but this is a speaking assessment. In the video it has to be clear you are not just reading. Therefore it is important that you rehearse what you want to say and that you appear on the video at all times. 



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