In deze les zitten 21 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.
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AGE 6. The Time of Regents and Monarchs
6.1 the Dutch Republic
Practise your skills
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
1. "Every province in the Republic had an equal say in the assembly of the States General" Is this statement true or false? explain your answer.
Slide 2 - Open vraag
2a) Look up the meaning of the word "truce" and write it down. Also write down 2 synonyms for this word.
Slide 3 - Open vraag
2c) Explain why this truce led to a conflict between Van Oldenbarnevelt and Maurice.
Slide 4 - Open vraag
3. As you can see in the picture, Van Oldenbarnevelt did not feel that he was a traitor. What action or opinion of him gave Maurice reason to accuse him of treason?
Slide 5 - Open vraag
4. Look at this source. the heading says: "justice of Van Oldenbarnevelt is done". Does the artist approve of Van Oldenbarnevelt's execution? Explain your answer.
Slide 6 - Open vraag
5. Explain why the WIC was established immediately after the truce with Spain was ended in 1621.
Slide 7 - Open vraag
AGE 6. The Time of Regents and Monarchs
6.2: a world economy
Practise your skills
Slide 8 - Tekstslide
1. Why did the States General decide to form one big trading company?
Slide 9 - Open vraag
2a. Why did the VOC issue shares? (explain the term "shares" in your answer)
Slide 10 - Open vraag
2b. Did people who bought a VOC share have faith in the success of this company? Explain.
Slide 11 - Open vraag
2c. Today people still buy and sell shares. Can you think of a modern company that sells shares?
Slide 12 - Open vraag
3. Suppose someone gives you € 5,000,- to buy shares. Which companies would you choose? Choose two different companies, one for economical and one for idealistic reasons. Explain both choices.
Slide 13 - Open vraag
4a. "The VOC had many privileges" What are privileges?
Slide 14 - Open vraag
4b. What privileges did the VOC have that modern multinationals do NOT have?
Slide 15 - Open vraag
5a. What was the main reason the VOC decided to colonize the trading posts in the East Indies?
Slide 16 - Open vraag
5b. Why did Coen want to control the Banda Islands?
Slide 17 - Open vraag
6. Today many Dutch cities have a street named after Coen. Write down one reason why you think this is a good thing and one reason why it is a bad thing.
Slide 18 - Open vraag
7. Why did the States General allow privateering for the WIC?
Slide 19 - Open vraag
8. After 1648, the WIC started to concentrate less on privateering and more on slave trade. Can you explain this?