Past Perfect & Cabbie Stories

Oliver Twist
Zorg dat je uiterlijk 8 maart het boekje hebt gelezen, alle vragen hebt beantwoord en het document naar me mailt.

Volgens planning:
Today you read for yourself part 4: 
chapters 11-14
& Answer questions 1-9 

Alles serieus beantwoorden en op tijd inleveren = 0,3 punt bij je cijfer voor de toetsweek 3!
give me more words, please...
1 / 22
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 22 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Oliver Twist
Zorg dat je uiterlijk 8 maart het boekje hebt gelezen, alle vragen hebt beantwoord en het document naar me mailt.

Volgens planning:
Today you read for yourself part 4: 
chapters 11-14
& Answer questions 1-9 

Alles serieus beantwoorden en op tijd inleveren = 0,3 punt bij je cijfer voor de toetsweek 3!
give me more words, please...

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

What's the plan?
  • Read Oliver Twist & answer the questions
  • Recap Indirect speech
  • Past Perfect
  • Listening: A cabbie's story
  • Writing: write your own cabbie's story

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Direct and indirect speech

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Reported Speech
Directe Rede/ Direct Speech:  
She always said "I love watching football"

Indirecte Rede / Indirect Speech
My grandmother always said that she loved watching football

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

DIRECT SPEECH                                     INDIRECT SPEECH
present simple                   ----->        past simple
present continuous         ----->        past continuous
past simple                          ----->        past perfect

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Stapje terug in de tijd
"I write books." -> She said that she wrote books.
"I am working hard" -> He said that he was working hard.

"You ran fast!" -> She said that I had run fast.
"We have live there all our lives." -> They said that they had lived there all their lives.

Past perfect: had & voltooid deelwoord

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Past Perfect

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Past Simple vs. Past Perfect

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Past Perfect: voltooid verleden
Had + voltooid deelwoord

  1. I watched TV after I had done my homework.
  2. After he had signed a contract, he started his training again.

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

We                           away the money that we
had given
had received

Slide 12 - Sleepvraag

Yesterday a boy                                the snowman that we
had destroyed
had built

Slide 13 - Sleepvraag

Hoe weet je welke van de twee tijden je moet gebruiken?

Slide 14 - Open vraag

Past Perfect
Had + voltooid deelwoord

  1. I watched TV after I had done my homework.
  2. After he had signed a contract, he started his training again.

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Practise what you learned
Do online exercises Stepping Stones 
Theme 5, J (Grammar) 25 & 26.
(and E (13, 14 & 15) if you haven't done it yet!)

Check page 79 & 158 for examples to help you.
Questions? Raise your hand.


Slide 16 - Tekstslide

Read G: A cabbie's stories (p. 76)
What kind of text is this? What is it about? What is a cabbie?
Then listen to the audio fragment. Does it mention:
1 customer's destination, 2 customer's name
3 cabbie's years of service, 4 bride's name
5 location of church, 6 how many minutes too late
7 description of robber, 8 conversation topic with robber
9 number of police officers, 10 name of publisher
Why does the publisher think the book will be a success?

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Read G: A cabbie's stories
1 customer's destination: Portobello road, 2 customer's name
3 cabbie's years of service: over 19 years, 4 bride's name
5 location of church, 6 how many minutes too late: 15 minutes
7 description of robber: scar on his cheek and dragon tattoo in his neck
8 conversation topic with robber: football
9 number of police officers, 
10 name of publisher: Fict and Faction publishing
Why does the publisher think the book will be a success?
The stories are bestseller material.

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Your Cabbie's story
Bedenk een verhaal voor deze taxichauffeur.
Wie zou hij in zijn taxi krijgen? Wat gebeurt er dan?
Start with: 
One day I was about to go home when ....
Bedenk wie de personages zijn en welk genre het verhaal is (comedy, thriller, horror, mystery, romance.)
Doe dit alleen of in een tweetal.

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

What's the plan?
  • Read Oliver Twist & answer the questions
  • Recap Indirect speech
  • New grammar: Past Perfect
  • Listening: A cabbie's story
  • Writing: write your own cabbie's story

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

I know how and when to use the past perfect.
Yes, I do.
I think I do, but I might need more practice.
I think I do, but I might need more help.
I don't think I do. Can you help me with more examples?
I have no idea. I have been busy with other things.

Slide 21 - Poll

Friday we will finish Theme 5 with a Mock Test.
So.... study grammar and word list at home!
Je hoeft het nog niet heel goed te kennen, maar lees 
p. 75 en p.79 en de woordenlijst (Classroom) door!

Let op: Bij deze toets mag je je boek gebruiken om dingen op te zoeken, maar niet je Chromebook! Neem dus je boek mee!

Slide 22 - Tekstslide