a A closed question starts with a verb and has to be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. An open question
often starts with a question word, such as who, what, where, when, etc. and has to be answered with
more information than just ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
b 1=closed, 2=open, 3=closed, 4=closed, 5=open, 6=closed, 7=open, 8=open, 9=closed.
c Question words.
d Option 1: Do you have any advice for your fellow pupils?
Option 2: Have you got any advice for your fellow pupils?
e Eigen antwoord. Andwoordvoorbeeld:
Open: - What is the thing you like most about your work?
- Why did you choose this career path?
Closed: - Do you have a lot of meetings?
- Do you have to travel a lot for your work?