H4E 31-1-2025 90 min

Please sit with your reading group:

Mark - Feddo - Hasse
Coen - Jurre - Anne
Amir - Youssef - Lucas
Boris - Stijn H. - Jarne
Blest - Robin - Sara - Mirthe
Narmin - Juna - Noa
Mays - Zoë-Li - Yasmine
Eyob - Stijn v B. - Marvin

You need
laptop, notebook/pen, BOOK, Wasp, grammar booklet

1 / 35
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 35 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Please sit with your reading group:

Mark - Feddo - Hasse
Coen - Jurre - Anne
Amir - Youssef - Lucas
Boris - Stijn H. - Jarne
Blest - Robin - Sara - Mirthe
Narmin - Juna - Noa
Mays - Zoë-Li - Yasmine
Eyob - Stijn v B. - Marvin

You need
laptop, notebook/pen, BOOK, Wasp, grammar booklet

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Welcome! You need: laptop, notebook/pen, book, Wasp, grammar booklet

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

1. Learning goals
2. Check kennistoets (10-15 mins)
3. 'Setting' explained (10 mins)
4. Read your book & take notes (20 mins)
5. Talk about your book (10 mins)
5. Grammar (20 mins)
(6. Watch the news (10 mins))
7.  Rounding off together (5 mins)

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Learning goals
At the end of this lesson...

- I will have read part of my book and can talk about setting
- I know and can use the past perfect
- I will have learned from previous kennistoets

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Checking kennistoets

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Reading & preparing during lessons:
      - Step 1: explanation: setting
      - Step 2: read your previous notes 
      - Step 3: read your book
      - Step 4: take notes
      - Step 5: talk about your book with your group in English
      - Step 6: one group member takes notes and shares them with the rest  
                        (shared document?)

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Step 1: setting
Take notes!

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

What is a setting?
1) Time (year, date, day of the week, season, 
time of day, etc.)
2) Place (earth, space, outside, inside, type 
of building, etc.)
3) Atmosphere (tense, moody, sombre, 
happy, relaxed, etc.)

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

With your group, describe
the setting (elements 1, 2, 3)
in this picture

Slide 9 - Open vraag

Topics you will talk about later:
The setting in your book (maybe there's more than one)
      - An example from your book
      - How does the setting influence the story? 
      - Differences / similarities between your books

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Read your book in silence
Step 2: read through your previous notes
Step 3: read your book
Step 4: take notes about what you have read

Use your time well!
Afterwards, you will talk about setting

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Step 4: write your own notes, in silence
  1.     I got to page no.....
  2.     What happened in the part I have just read
  3.     Important event(s): .........
  4.      Keywords: the setting & how it influences the story

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

With your group, talk about
      - Describe the setting(s?) in your book  
      - An example from your book (read it to them)
      - How does the setting influence the story?
      - Differences / similarities between your books  

If you have extra time: find more similarities / differences!

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Simple present
Simple past

Present Continuous  
Past Continuous

Present Perfect
Past Perfect

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Choose the present perfect
She buys a car
She is buying a car
She has bought a car
She had bought a car

Slide 16 - Quizvraag

'They have been very friendly lately'
Why present perfect?

Slide 17 - Open vraag

Choose the simple past
We had played a game
We were playing a game
We have played a game
We played a game

Slide 18 - Quizvraag

'They were very friendly when we met them'

Why simple past?

Slide 19 - Open vraag

Choose the past perfect
He was making a mistake
He had made a mistake
He made a mistake
He has made a mistake

Slide 20 - Quizvraag

We are going to make a new combination
- Stel, je wil iets vertellen over 2 gebeurtenissen die 
na elkaar plaatsvonden, in het verleden
- bijvoorbeeld: 1) hij studeerde veel, 2) hij haalde de toets

- in het NL: hij haalde de toets, omdat ......
- OF: omdat ......., haalde hij de toets

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

In het Engels: hetzelfde
- 2 gebeurtenissen die na elkaar plaatsvonden, in het verleden

-  hij haalde de toets, omdat hij veel gestudeerd had
- he ............. (pass) the test, because he ......... (study) a lot.

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Zo maak je de past perfect:
HAD + voltooid deelwoord 

Regular: They had walkED for miles    (stam + ED)

Irregular: They had caught the thieves (3rd column)

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

- 2 gebeurtenissen die na elkaar plaatsvonden, in het verleden
- He passed the test, because he had studied a lot
Het langst geleden: he had studied > past perfect 
Wat daarna kwam: he passed > simple past 

Wat is het langst geleden...? > past perfect

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

Please fill in: simple past & past perfect
1. She ............... (visit) me after she .............. (finish) her work. 
2. Before we ............ (go) to Bali, we ........... (never travel) by plane.
3. As soon as they ........... (have dinner), they .......... (leave)
4. ............... (he / be happy) before he ................ (get) a divorce?

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

Please fill in: simple past & past perfect
1. She visited me after she had finished her work. 
2. Before we went to Bali, we had never travelled by plane.
3. As soon as they had had dinner, they left.
4. Had he been happy before he got a divorce?

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

2 gebeurtenissen die 
na elkaar plaatsvonden, in het verleden

Stap 1: wat is het langst geleden...? > past perfect
Stap 2: wat gebeurde daarna...? > simple past

after, before, when, as soon as

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

To do now:
Grammar booklet 
Exercises past perfect, pp.31-32


Slide 28 - Tekstslide

Watching the news together
- Watching the news is a good way to prepare for your              listening test
- Listen carefully, we will discuss each news item together

Slide 29 - Tekstslide

Slide 30 - Link

Slide 31 - Link

Well done! You...
- have read part of your book and can talk about setting
- know and can use the past perfect
- have learned from previous kennistoets

Slide 32 - Tekstslide

Good luck & have a great time!

Slide 33 - Tekstslide

Your oral exam:
You will be expected to 'organize' the exam yourself.
You will be expected to talk about:
- Your own book: characters, important events, setting, the author's message
- Your own opinion about the book
- Your favourite part & why
- Similarities & differences between the 3 books in your group
- Any other topics you come up with yourself (connected to the books)

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

You need to finish the whole book
If you cannot finish the book in class, 
you need to read at home, too!

Finished the book? 
You may read a book of your own choice (paper copy)
> During reading time, everyone reads a book
> You should bring a book every lesson

Slide 35 - Tekstslide