Week 21 P2 V3 SS book B hs4 E F (C & C) SPEAKING PRESENTATIONS START hlk

Week 21
Caroline Hergelink

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EnglishMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 53 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 140 min

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Week 21
Caroline Hergelink

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Slide 2 - Link

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On the table:

JdW folder/paper
Pen or pencil
Stepping Stones book B
Welcome to our English lesson V3A!
  1. What letter comes after P in the alphabet?
 2. Name a past simple regular verb.
 3. What is the missing word? I hope you feel ______better!
Warm-up, think about the answers:
  1. What letter comes after B in the alphabet?
 2. Name a past participle.
 3. What vowel sound is igloo, long or short?
Not on the table:

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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On the table:

JdW folder/paper
Pen or pencil
Stepping Stones book B
Welcome to our English lesson V3B!
Not on the table:
Warm-up, think about the answers:
  1. What letter comes after M in the alphabet?
 2. Name a past tense irregular verb.
 3. What is the missing word? I will ______ eaten before 7 o'clock.
  1. What letter comes after B in the alphabet?
 2. Name a past tense verb.
 3. What vowel sound is igloo, long or short?

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Reminders - period 2
The Countries & Culture speaking presentations continue this week:
Macbeth: lesson 1 is on the 17th of February
SO on grammar aspects from chapters 3 & 4 on the 7th of March.

Lesson up, please join:   

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Slide 8 - Video

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     Wat gaan we doen?
Programma deze week 

  • Voorkennis/actualiteit
  • Aantekeningen maken
  • Uilteg nieuwe stof
  • Opdrachten maken
  • Doelencheck
  • Afsluiting

  • Als de docent aan het   woord is, ben je stil.
  • Vinger opsteken als je wat   wil vragen / zeggen.
  • Spullen niet in orde =   nablijven en strafwerk
  • Start klaar!!

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

1 min
Wat gaan we doen?
Wat heb je nodig tijdens  Engelse les. 

  • Werkboek
  • Pen 
  • Actieve werkhouding
  • Glimlach

Chapter 4

E Writing & Grammar 
 F listening

C&C presentations 

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

1 min
What is a formal letter?

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Terugblik - Zakelijke brief
What do you notice?

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Slide 16 - Link

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Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Hoe hoge hoe kouder.
Hoe verder van de evenaar hoe kouder.

Slide 18 - Link

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I can use modals in the positive and negative form as well as quantifiers.

I can grasp the main points of conversations with familiar subjects when these are presented relatively slowly and clearly.

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Het lesdoel (2 min) 

Docent benoemt het lesdoel en bespreekt kort wat de leerlingen zullen leren en waarom dit belangrijk is.

Leerlingen luisteren naar de leerdoelen en krijgen een duidelijk beeld van wat er van hen verwacht wordt tijdens de les. Uitleg van leerdoelen, korte discussie over belang van de leerdoelen
Herinnering - STARTKLAAR?

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Leerdoel 1
Grammar and Writing 
I can use modals in the positive and negative form as well as quantifiers.

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

Hoe hoge hoe kouder.
Hoe verder van de evenaar hoe kouder.
We use modals to show if we believe something is certain, possible or impossible:

We also use them to do things like talk about ability, ask permission, and make requests and offers:

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  •  ought to 
  •  might
  •  may
  •  can
  •  to be able to
  •  could
  •  must 
  •  to have to
  •  should
What modal verbs
do you know?

Slide 23 - Woordweb

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Ought to
Just like should it is used to give advice
Ought to is more formal than should

E.g. You should listen to her new album. She ought to pay her parking tickets.

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May and Might 
May and might are used when you are unsure about something and to 
ask for or give permission. 
May is more formal than can and could.

E.g. We may take the train to Berlin.     I might meet him today. 

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Slide 27 - Tekstslide

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Zelf aan de slag
Wat -  Laten we oefenen: Ex. 29, p. 25
Hoe - Werk alleen of met de persoon naast je
Hoelang -  Zie timer
Klaar? -  Lees uw antwoorden nog eens door
Hulp nodig - Steek je vinger op docent loopt rond
Uitkomst - We zullen de antwoorden bespreken

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nat, droog

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Why would another answer not work for part 1 of question 1?
May and might are used when you are unsure about something!

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                     Quiz time!
Complete the sentences by filling in the gaps with the correct quantifier. 
More than one option can be correct. 

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My mum said I should read _________ book on the shelf, or at least three of them

Slide 33 - Quizvraag

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_______ participants stopped their world record attempt because the two of them were overwhelmed by the weather conditions.

Slide 34 - Quizvraag

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_______ my friends are going there.

Slide 35 - Quizvraag

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Which one do you like more?
_________ option will do.

Slide 36 - Quizvraag

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Leerdoel 1
Grammar and Writing 
I can use modals in the positive and negative form as well as quantifiers.

Slide 37 - Tekstslide

Hoe hoge hoe kouder.
Hoe verder van de evenaar hoe kouder.
Zelf aan de slag
Wat -  Schrijf een formele e-mail. 
Hoe - Werk alleen
Hoelang -  Zie timer: tien minuten
Klaar? -  Lees uw antwoorden nog eens door
Hulp nodig - Steek je vinger op docent loopt rond
Uitkomst - Wij zullen een aantal van uw brieven lezen.

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nat, droog

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Slide 41 - Tekstslide

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1. Read the tweet. 
2. Write a formal email to Mark using the strategy on page 207. 
3. Mention the tweet, express your opinion, and tell him whether you would like to participate or not. 
Use quantifiers and modals: see pages 25 & 26.
Write 80-100 words.
4. We'll evaluate our work and read some of your letters!

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Dear Mark,
I just read your tweet about the Dakar Rally and it was very inspiring. I cannot believe I did not know about the rally. My friends did not know about it either – we have discussed it and we might participate in it next time. No rally has ever made me this excited. Both my parents are passionate bikers, so every holiday we travel around Europe by motorbike. Every year they told me I could bring a friend, so now all my friends love it too. I think we may just be the perfect candidates to participate in an event as tough the Dakar rally.
Yours faithfully,

Evaluate your writing.

I used the strategy to write a formal email to Mark.
I commented on the tweet.
I gave my opinion and told Mark whether I want to participate in the rally or not.
I used quantifiers, for example: no rally, both my parents.
I used modals, for example: I cannot believe, we might participate.
I wrote 100 – 120 words.

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Leerdoel 2

I can grasp the main points of conversations with familiar subjects when these are presented relatively slowly and clearly.

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Hoe hoge hoe kouder.
Hoe verder van de evenaar hoe kouder.

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Work in pairs to check your answers 

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Writing challenge! 

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Extension activity 

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Creative writing task which can be finished at home. 

Hand it in if you would like feedback!

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Write a made up story about a dangerous situation.
We will share some of them during the lesson.
What made it so dangerous?

Give instructions on what to do if you were to end up in a similar situation.

120 words


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     Grote afsluiting
Can you use modals in the positive and negative form as well as quantifiers.

Can you grasp the main points of conversations with familiar subjects when these are presented relatively slowly and clearly.

Slide 53 - Tekstslide

Grote lesafsluiting (5 min)

De grote lesafsluiting vindt plaats aan het eind van de les, na de zelfstandige verwerking. Controleer begrip en werkhouding.

Leerlingen geven feedback over wat ze hebben geleerd en reflecteren op hun werkhouding.

Reflectiegesprek, leerlingen geven elkaar feedback