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2.1 Busy! And it will get busier!
Phone in front of the class (in the phone bag).
Laptop closed.
Pen and paper on your desk to make notes AND a glossary.
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Slide 1:
Middelbare school
Leerjaar 1
In deze les zitten
12 slides
, met
Lesduur is:
60 min
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Onderdelen in deze les
Phone in front of the class (in the phone bag).
Laptop closed.
Pen and paper on your desk to make notes AND a glossary.
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
2.1 Busy! And it will get busier!
Page 32 and 33 of the textbook.
Short instruction (10 min.)
Get to work with the book (20 min.)
Calculations (10 min.)
Instruction practical assignment (10 min.)
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
What to expect from this chapter?
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
Learning goals of today
You can point out on a map where densely populated and sparsely populated regions are located in the world.
You can give an explanation for the high birth rate and low life expectancy in poor countries.
You can calculate the population density of a country.
You can work together and help each other to be able to make assignments.
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
In which areas do the people live close together?
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
Population distribution: The way in which the population is divided over an area.
Population density: The number of inhabitants divided by the area of a country.
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
Which area is densely populated?
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
Get to work
Make groups of three and divide the work:
Read 'Population growth' on page 33.
Read 'Birth' on page 33.
Read 'Death' on page 33.
Then take five to ten minutes to tell each other about what you just learned.
Make assignment 5 on page 38 of the workbook.
Make assignment 3 on page 39 of the workbook.
Make assignment 4 on page 39 of the workbook.
Slide 8 - Tekstslide
Calculate the population density
Slide 9 - Tekstslide
Practical assignment
Read the assignment (hand-out) carefully.
Slide 10 - Tekstslide
Learning goals of today
You can point out on a map where densely populated and sparsely populated regions are located in the world.
You can give an explanation for the high birth rate and low life expectancy in poor countries.
You can calculate the population density of a country.
You can work together and help each other to be able to make assignments.
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
Next week
Homework: 2.1 assignment 3, 4 + 5
2.2 The population is growing and leaving
Work on practical assignment
Slide 12 - Tekstslide
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