Essay Writing: Conclusion

- Make sure you have your introduction + arguments ready to share with people through email or Google Docs.
- Download the rubric from Magister.
- Log in to the LessonUp!
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 22 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 120 min

Onderdelen in deze les

- Make sure you have your introduction + arguments ready to share with people through email or Google Docs.
- Download the rubric from Magister.
- Log in to the LessonUp!

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

How are you feeling today?

Slide 2 - Poll


  • Review what should be in the introduction + body of your essay
  • Give peer-feedback based on a rubric
  • Discuss what should be in a conclusion
  • If there is time left you can work on your essays

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Let's review!

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

What are the three elements of the introduction?

Slide 5 - Open vraag

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

  • Should make your reader curious about your essay:
  • Use an anecdote
  •  Current news article about your topic
  • Ask some critical questions
  • Give some surprising fact/statistic
  • Make sure to mention why your topic is relevant and give a bit of background information.
  • At the end of the introduction you state your point (your thesis statement)

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Body Paragraphs

Slide 8 - Woordweb

Body paragraphs
  •  In this part of the essay you are going to convice the reader of your point of view
  • Keep it brief: Only present evidence and explanation for the point you are making, but make sure to mention the source of your evidence!
  • Write a clear topic sentence: The first or the second sentence of a body paragraph is your topic sentence.
  •  Every sentence in your paragraph should support your topic sentence.
  • Always refer back to your thesis statement at the end of your paragraph. Answer the question: So what?

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Thesis statement: Homework should be forbidden.
Topic sentence for the first paragraph:
First of all, students do not learn enough from doing homework
Topic sentence for the second paragraph:
Secondly, students experience a lot of stress caused by homework

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Using your own arguments, formulate one topic sentence

Slide 11 - Open vraag

Body paragraph 3
  •  In the third body paragraph you are going to refute a counterargument.
  • The structure of this paragraph is ASTER:
  • Admit that there is another point of view than your point of view
  • State the other point of view
  • Turn it around (However, )
  • Explain why the counter-argument is not true/less important.
  • Restate your own point of view

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Some people do not agree that homework should be forbidden. They argue that homework is important, because students will get higher grades . However, grades are not that important when compared to the stress students experience because of homework. Therefore, it can only be concluded that homework should be forbidden.

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  1. Exchange your introduction with your breakout room partner through email/Google docs etc.
  2. Fill in the rubric (see magister) for your neighbour's introduction and discuss this with your partner
3. Write at least one tip/suggestion to improve the introduction
4. Be critical, but kind!
5. I will close the breakout rooms after about 10 minutes
6. Make sure you email your rubric + feedback to your partner and to me!
- Finished early? Start working on your body paragraphs


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Writing a conclusion

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

What do you think should be in a conclusion? What would be important?

Slide 16 - Open vraag

- Your conclusion logically follows the body paragraphs
- Think back to your introduction: what did you want to convince your reader of?
- Explain how your body paragraphs have proven your point
- You should restate your thesis statement,  but use different words!
- You can give a short summary, but make sure you don't repeat yourself.
- Go out with a bang! Make sure your last sentence is strong, because it is the last thing your reader will read.

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Conclusion structure
  1.  Refer back to your hook
  2. Restate your position/thesis statement
  3. Sum up reasons
  4. Call to action/bang/interesting last sentence

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Remember that 80% of the students experience high levels of stress because of homework? It is clear that homework should be abolished, not only because of mental health issues, but also because it is not an effective way of learning. Even though it may help students to obtain higher grades, in the long run grades do not matter. Thus, teachers, stop assigning homework to students!

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Time to work!
  •  Continue working on your essays
  • I would like you to stay in the zoom (and the LessonUp)
  • Use your time well (Deadline is next week!)
  • If you need help or if you have a question feel free to ask
  • You will have time to work until 9:30

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Homework and next week
  •  Continue working on your essay
  • Next week Wednesday you have to hand in your completed practice essay on Magister for peer-feedback.
  • Also make sure you finish reading the book!
  • Tomorrow: Credits/reading/writing essay
  • Next week Wednesday: Language use in essays and King of Shadows!
  • Answer the last questions in the LessonUp and then you can go

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

What did you learn this lesson? What do you still want to know?

Slide 22 - Open vraag