The alibi game - 23-24

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 4

In deze les zitten 29 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 30 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Learning goals
  • I can recognize the modal verbs.
  • I can use different modal verbs to ask questions politely.
  • I know the difference between the modal verbs .

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Wat zijn 'modals'?

Slide 3 - Open vraag

Hoeveel 'modals' zijn er?
(noem het getal!)

Slide 4 - Open vraag

  • What are modals?
  • Hulpwerkwoorden - geeft extra betekenis aan het hoofdwerkwoord

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10 Modal verbs
can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should, ought to

Different meaning:

"she could be the murderer” or “she must be the murderer” or “she might be the murderer.”

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Modal Verbs: When to use Which?
  • can: ability (vaardigheid), request (verzoek), permission (toestemming)
  • must: likelihood (waarschijnlijkheid), commands (commando's), obligation (verplichting), necessity (noodzaak)
  • may: possibility (mogelijkheid), permission (toestemming)
  • might: possibility (mogelijkheid), permission (toestemming)
  • should: suggestions/advice (suggesties/advies), likelihood (waarschijnlijkheid)
  • could: possibility (mogelijkheid), permission (toestemming), request (verzoek) 
  • would/will: request (verzoek) 

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How can I make a polite request by using modal verbs in English?
Here, we will look at asking questions politely using “could” ,“would”, "may" and 'might".
 In informal situations it is possible to use “can”, however, if you want to sound super polite, the best way to do it is to have the following:

Excuse me / pardon me + modals + please

Could you explain this to me, please?
Excuse me, would you give me a hand with these bags, please?
Pardon me, would you tell me the time, please?
Excuse me, could I ask you something?

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Slide 11 - Tekstslide

How can I make a polite request by using modal verbs in English?
Would you please answer a few questions?
Excuse me,could you answer a few questions, please?
Could you please answer a few questions?
Would you mind if I asked  you some questions?
(Pardon me,) would you mind answering some questions ?
I shall be glad if you could answer some questions?
May I ask you  a few questions?
I was wondering if I might ask you a few questions?
It would be nice if you could answer a few questions?
Would you be so kind as to answer some questions?

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The Alibi Game 23-24

solve the crime!

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We are now going to play the alibi game. Some of you will be suspected of committing a crime and the rest will play the role of police officers. Police officers will have to question the suspects and decide whether their alibi is trustworthy or not.

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The goal of the game:

police officers                your goal is to prove that the suspects are guilty of murder. 
Suspects                 your goal is to prove your innocence by making sure your joint alibi is watertight.

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  1. Who are the suspects? 
  2. The suspects create an alibi outside the classroom.
  3. Police A and B come up with questions.
  4. Together we interrogate them seperately by asking polite questions.
  5. We decide if they are guilty
  6. Guilty: the suspects' answers are different. 
  7. Not guilty: the suspects' answers are the same.

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The interrogation
   What               Where
Which                How
Who                   Why
Whose                When

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- two persons (suspects) need to leave the meeting for 5 minutes 
- the rest (police) stays in the meeting and comes up with questions to ask to suspects
- the police team split into 2 groups (police A and police B)
- each police team has to question one suspect 

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The verdict: guilty or not guilty?

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

Thank you for playing!!!

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HOMEWORK next time!
You can start at your homework: 
je hebt een woordenlijst van hst 12 gemaakt en ingeleverd via teams/ opdrachten; learn all these words (English/Dutch and Dutch/English ) by heart.

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