H4E - P2 - 8-1-2025 - 45m

Welcome! Bag in the front. You need: laptop, writing reader, pen on the table
1 / 44
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 44 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 3 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 30 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Welcome! Bag in the front. You need: laptop, writing reader, pen on the table

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Lesson Goals
At the end of today's lesson you will..

.. have refreshed formal letter rules
.. have written a letter to practise

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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What we will do today:

1. Writing: refresher (15 mins)
2. Writing exercise (15 mins)
3. Round off together (5 mins)

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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Refresher: formal letter rules

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

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Hoe zeg je: Ik zou het enorm waarderen als u...

Slide 5 - Open vraag

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He spent the night with his old friend, a drunk and a felon
Change or add punctuation & change the meaning:
He spent the night with his old friend, a drunk and a felon.
He spent the night with his old friend: a drunk and a felon
He spent the night with his old friend, a drunk, and a felon
He spent the night, with his old friend, a drunk and a felon

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

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Als je de naam van degene aan wie je schrijft, niet weet, wat is dan de afsluiting?
Yours sincerely,
Yours faithfully,
Yours truly,
With kind regards,

Slide 7 - Quizvraag

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When you have a number of
questions, which linking words can you use?

Slide 8 - Open vraag

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Welke zin mag je WEL gebruiken:
Please accept my apologies
Will I receive pocket money?
Hello, my name is Henk
I'm hoping to hear from you

Slide 9 - Quizvraag

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Geachte mevrouw Smith,
Dear Mrs Smith,
Dear Miss Smith,
Dear Mrs. Smith,
Dear Ms Smith,

Slide 10 - Quizvraag

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Write 3 different ways to start a question politely:

Slide 11 - Open vraag

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Ik hoop spoedig van u te horen
I hope I'll be hearing from you soon
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible
I look forward to hearing from you soon
I look forward to hearing from you!

Slide 12 - Quizvraag

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I would never call you stupid

Change the meaning by adding a comma after...

Slide 13 - Quizvraag

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De juiste volgorde is:
gegevens geadresseerde - eigen gegevens - datum
eigen gegevens - gegevens geadresseerde - datum
datum - eigen gegevens - gegevens geadresseerde
gegevens geadresseerde - datum - eigen gegevens

Slide 14 - Quizvraag

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Schrijf je je naam bij je adresgegevens helemaal bovenaan de brief?

Slide 15 - Quizvraag

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To do:
schrijf een formele brief in de juiste lay-out
- Schrijf je eigen adres
- Adres geadresseerde hoeft nu niet, zet even een kruisje waar het zou moeten komen
- Schrijf de datum
- Open de brief (je weet de naam van de persoon niet)
- Stel jezelf voor en geef aan dat je schrijft in reactie op de advertentie voor de baan als medewerker aan de receptie (alinea 1)
- Schrijf de volgende vragen in beleefde vorm in één alinea: hoeveel uur per week moet ik werken? Welke dagen moet ik werken en heb ik het weekend vrij? Krijg ik eerst een training voordat ik begin? 
- Schrijf dat je hoopt op een snel antwoord en sluit af zoals het hoort.

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Check your neighbour's letter:
3-5 minutes

Write notes on the letter
Work neatly
Underline mistakes
Give at least 2 compliments!

When you get your own letter back:
1. Layout
2. Formal expressions                               (bijv. aanhef, afsluiting)
3. Questions                                       (beleefd + linking words)
4. Formal language
5. Correct information
6. Grammar / vocabulary

write 3 tops/tips in bullet points

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

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The tops & tips you got in 3-5 clear bullet points:

Slide 18 - Woordweb

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Well done! You....

.. have refreshed formal letter rules
.. have written a letter to practise

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

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Good luck next week!
How to prepare:
- go through your writing reader (tips on p.17)
- learn set phrases (standaard zinnen, p.9, 10)
- check layout & rules (p.2, 3, 5)

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

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Slide 21 - Video

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0:35 - 1:40 (or - 2:48)
Which resolution is, apparently, the most difficult to stick to?

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

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Slide 23 - Video

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Slide 24 - Video

5:47 minutes
Optional: stop at 2:30 mins and let students discuss possible answers together
At the end, compare their answers to the ones in the video
Successful New Year's resolutions,
answers from the video:

Slide 25 - Woordweb

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Answers mentioned in the video:
To be successful, it's important to be a reflective learner (know your strengths/weaknesses, know your priorities, balance optimism/realism), but we're often too busy.
New Year is a (culturally defined) moment of reflection in a busy world. People can share their  resolutions with others, receive & give support.

We usually think we need will power, motivation, self-control, BUT wat you really need is:
- small goals and small wins 
- to facilitate your success (e.g. minimize temptations, prepare for good behaviour)
- to start with the easy things

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

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What was said about Janus?

Slide 27 - Open vraag

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Thinking - writing - speaking
You will need the information later, 
So do take notes!

Slide 28 - Tekstslide

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2 mins to think and write down:
     2024: - I am proud of....
                  - If I could do one thing again, it would be...
                  - My favourite memory is.....
     2025: - I am going to...
                   - I would really like to....
                   - I want to learn...

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Speaking: in pairs, 5 mins
First, exchange your thoughts on 2024: 
I am proud of....  If I could do one thing again, it would be... My favourite memory is.....

Then do the same for 2025: 
I am going to... I would really like to.... I want to learn...

If time, talk about: the most important thing you learned in 2024!

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Task to hand in before Friday's lesson:
If not handed in on time, come to class
OR you will be absent and come an extra hour after the holiday
Opdracht 4C: 2,4,5 (translate into English), p.10
Opdracht 7: helemaal, p.16
Alles uitgeschreven met de hand, use formal language!

Slide 31 - Tekstslide

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Well done! You....

.. have practised your writing skills 
.. have had time to study for your test

Slide 32 - Tekstslide

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Slide 33 - Tekstslide

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Writing test = TW2
Learning goals:
- I can write a formal letter on a topic in English at B1 level.
- I can use the present, past and future tense and prepositions to express myself in formal writing.
- I can use adjectives and adverbs to give extra details to my writing.
- I know the rules of formal letter writing
- I have handed in practise writing for feedback.

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

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Writing test: tips
Study the given information in the reader

Page 2-3: learn the rules
Page 5: learn the layout
Page 8: learn set phrases

Participate in class

Slide 35 - Tekstslide

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1. He spent the night with his old friend, a drunk and a felon

2. I'm sorry I love you
3. You have a body like Adonis
4. I would never call you stupid
5. I like cooking my family and my dogs
6. He loves his parents, Lady Gaga and Usain Bolt
7. Help a thief

Slide 36 - Tekstslide

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The sentences altered by punctuation:

Slide 37 - Open vraag

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Fill in the correct form of the verb:
I …… (1.read) your advertisement for an au pair girl in today’s Times. I …… (2.like) to apply for this post. What …… (3.strike) me most in the advertisement, apart from the high salary you …… (4.offer), is your emphasis on good manners. I am one who strongly …… (5.believe) in …… (6.bring up) children in a traditional way.

Slide 38 - Open vraag

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Fill in the correct form of the verb:
I …… (7.have) some experience as an au pair girl in Germany and France, and now …… (8.look) forward to …… (9.spend) a few weeks in England. I …… (10.leave) school next month, and I am expected to get a good School Certificate.

Slide 39 - Open vraag

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Add punctuation & change the meaning:
I'm sorry I love you

Slide 40 - Open vraag

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Add punctuation & change the meaning:
You have a body like Adonis

Slide 41 - Open vraag

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Add punctuation & change the meaning:
I like cooking my family and my dogs

Slide 42 - Open vraag

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Add punctuation & change the meaning:
He loves his parents, Lady Gaga and Usain Bolt

Slide 43 - Open vraag

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Add punctuation & change the meaning:
Help a thief

Slide 44 - Open vraag

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