week 1

This lesson:
  • Welcome - How did the test go?
  • book reports
  • goals this term
  • new reader

- take a look at an exam
- reader p. 7
- new words: positive/ negative

1 / 36
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 36 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 2 videos.

Onderdelen in deze les

This lesson:
  • Welcome - How did the test go?
  • book reports
  • goals this term
  • new reader

- take a look at an exam
- reader p. 7
- new words: positive/ negative

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Je leert hoe je vragen bij een Engelse examentekst beantwoordt
- Je kent het stappenplan bij de verschillende soorten vragen
- Je herkent signaal verbindingswoorden in de tekst
- Je weet de functie van deze woorden
- Je kan woorden vertalen met behulp van een woordenboek

Je leert vragen te beantwoorden bij kijk-/luistervaardigheid fragmenten
- Je weet hoe je een meerkeuze vraag bij kijk-/luistervaardigheid moet aanpakken
- Je kunt luistervaardigheid fragmenten met verschillende accenten en achtergrond geluiden begrijpen

Goals this term:

Slide 2 - Tekstslide


Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Slide 4 - Video

  • Choose an English speaking podcast
  • Ask classmates for tips

  • Listen to at least 1 episode every week

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Podcast tips:

Slide 6 - Woordweb

English: Reading Exam

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

The final exam
  • What to expect?
  • How to prepare?
  • Let's have a look at an exam
  • Answer the questions on p. 7 in your reader 

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Which meme shows your feeling about the English exam best?

Slide 9 - Open vraag

Mini workshops:

Slide 10 - Tekstslide


Turn to the inside of the front page of your reader:
Write down (in Dutch or English):
- 2 or 3 things you want to learn about this period
- 2 questions you want answered

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

New words
Which words are positive and which are negative?

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

to blame
to abuse

Slide 13 - Sleepvraag

New words
Read the wordlist on p. 8.
Which words do you already know?
Study wordlist 1 in Quizlet

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

This lesson:
  • Welcome 
  • Last lesson

Listening skills
- video + questions (15 min)
- podcast + questions (40 min)
- check answers (10 min)

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Have you got a TikTok account?
not anymore
I do, but I don't use it

Slide 16 - Poll

How many times do you check TikTok?
Multiple times every day
Once a day
A few times a week
A few times a month

Slide 17 - Poll

Which one is NOT true?
A tic is a movement, sound or twitch that:
is involuntary (you don't want to do it)
shows you are insane
is repetitive (it often repeats itself )
has to do with stress

Slide 18 - Quizvraag

Have you ever heard of teens developing tics due to TikTok?
I'm not sure

Slide 19 - Poll

Watch the following news clip.

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

Slide 21 - Video

Waarom waarschuwt de presentator vooraf dat ze tics gaan laten zien?
Het kan pijnlijk zijn voor mensen met tics.
Het kan een naar gezicht zijn.
Sommige mensen gaan het per ongeluk nadoen.
Sommige mensen gaan het expres nadoen.

Slide 22 - Quizvraag

Wanneer begonnen de tics bij Joey?
Vanaf haar vroege kindertijd
Toen ze op Tiktok tics zag bij anderen
Dat vertelt ze niet
Tijdens de lockdown in coronatijd

Slide 23 - Quizvraag

Welke twee oorzaken geven dokters aan voor de tics bij tieners?
Tics zien bij anderen op Tiktok
Aandacht vragen
Het syndroom van Tourette

Slide 24 - Quizvraag

Waarom kunnen tieners beter niet naar mensen met tics kijken via social media? (Er zijn twee goede antwoorden).

Slide 25 - Open vraag

Welke twee dingen helpen Joey om van haar tics af te komen?

Slide 26 - Open vraag

Now listen to this podcast for 29 minutes and 45 seconds - there are no questions for the last part of the podcast.

You will get a series of true/false statements and questions to fill in along the way - they are on the slides after the link to the podcast. 

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

Slide 28 - Link

Questions (1)
1. T/F: The usual hosts of this show are Ben and Nora. 
2. Will works in the ER and tells a story. At one point, he says "And then we were all like: that's crazy!". What exactly was so crazy? 
A. Teens displaying tics out of nowhere
B. Teens apparently getting tics from watching TikTok
C. Teens ending up in the ER with no diagnosable symptoms
3. "Sudden, repetitive, uncontrollable movements and sounds" - what is Ben describing here? Answer in one word. 
4. Fill in the missing word. Nora: "Parents like you are getting panicky." Ben: "Not just panicky, I was, like, getting borderline -  I was getting (.......) 
5. Where is Meera Raman from and what generation is she? 

Slide 29 - Tekstslide

Questions (2)
6. Nora: "Meera and her buds say this stuff incessantly, almost as a reflex". What stuff? 
7. From which American city does WBUR broadcast?
8. How does Adele make money?
9. What happened when Adele was 16 that made her start ticcing / displaying tics?
A. She was so stressed out by her homework for a psychology course in school that she started having tics. 
B. She had to watch people and their tics on video for her psychology homework and started mimicking them for fun.
C. She got interested in the subject of tics, watched a lot of videos and woke up ticcing one day. 

Slide 30 - Tekstslide

Questions (3)
10. Why did Adele throw her cell phone across the park? 
A. It was one of her tics, a throwing tic. 
B. She was frustrated with her tics. 
C. She was accused of faking her tics. 
11. T/F: The new wave of teens displaying tics have something called Functional Neurological Disorder, which is different from Tourette's syndrome. 
12. T/F: Patients with FND usually know exactly when they started having tics. 
13. What gender and age were most patients? They were ... between the ages of ... and ...
14. How did her daughter help Dr. Pringsheim find the source of all the new tics?
15. What is the mass appeal of these TikTok video creators discussing their tics? Why are they so popular? Give two reasons. 

Slide 31 - Tekstslide

Questions (4)
16. Why was the Doctor excited when she came across a viral TikTok of ThisTrippyHippie? She finally knew why ...
17. How does Ben react to the doctor's story about TikTok? 
A. He's not too worried, because his kids are too small for TikTok. 
B. He's pretty anxious and wonders if his kids are at risk of developing tics as well. 
C. He plans on banning screen time for his kids to prevent any problems. 
18. What two mental illnesses can trigger ticcing in teens? 
19. What was the trigger for Adele to develop tics when she was 16?
20. Dr. Müller in Germany witnessed similar ticcing problems in teens. She traced the source to a YouTuber called Jan Zimmerman / Gewitter im Kopf. What expression popped up a lot? (Write the German words or the English translation)

Slide 32 - Tekstslide

Questions (5)
21. T/F: Dr. Müller's patients suffering from tics were also mostly girls, just like Dr. Pringheims' patients. 
22. T/F: All of Dr. Müller's patients who suffered from tics also had other mental problems. 

Slide 33 - Tekstslide

addictive                       trigger                         identical
involuntary                   pandemic                 a low pitch (in a voice) 
disorder                         behaviours
hysteria                          frequent
incessantly                   complicated
medical mystery        intense
random                           vulnerable/vulnerability

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

Answers to slides 14-16 (1)
1. False (Emory is on holiday, Nora is subbing for him)
2. B
3. tics
4. clammy
5. Canada, Gen Z
6. TikTok audios
7. Boston
8. She's a content creator / influencer on social media (with 400,000 followers)
9. C
10. A
11. True 

Slide 35 - Tekstslide

Answers (2)
12. True
13. girls, 12-25
14. She told her mother about TikTok
15. They are funny / engaging and they do not hide their tics.
16. ... many of her patients were saying 'beans'. 
17. B
18. Depression and anxiety
19. Her mother passed away. 
20. Flying sharks / fliegende Haie
22. False
23. True

Slide 36 - Tekstslide