RB1 - The Home of the Future

The home of the future...
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

In deze les zitten 23 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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The home of the future...

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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IA Y2 intern
week 1
week 3
week 4
week 5
Christmas Break
Introduction: Reading & Listening.    
Practise Reading & Listening.    
Practise Reading & Listening.
Practice Test: Reading B1 OR Reading B2.
Week 6
week 7
week 8
week 9
Discuss results practice test. Start on grammar exercises Unit 4/6
Winter break assignment:
Work on grammar exercises Unit 4/5 (CanDoOnline).
Practice Test: Listening B2. Work on grammar exercises Unit 4/5 (CanDoOnline).
DEADLINE grammar exercises Unit 4/5 (CanDoOnline).

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Do you ever (day)dream about your future home?
What do you think
it will look like?
Class Discussion
  • warm-up our reading skills
  • describe some amenities
  • read a B1 text
  • answer questions about the text
  • draw your own 'UpsideDown' home
Today we will...

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As a student, you do not have a large budget. Renting a room and paying a landlord a large sum of your income every month is a popular option to escape the parents. Buying a house and getting a mortgage is, in most cases, simply not (yet) an option for students. 
This means there is a lot of competition for these small rental rooms, often located near large cities. Some of these rooms come with extra amenities, such as a shared living room, balcony or garden.

Being a tenant instead of a home-owner has some benefits for students. For example,
a renter never has to worry about a leaky roof.  However, when you rent you also have less to say about what gets repaired or updated. You also have nothing to say about the other residents that might share your home.
How do you feel about renting a room?
= een hypotheek
= voorzieningen
= een huurder
= bewoners

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If you want... 

you can work on the next exercises with a partner.     :)

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1. I really .............. you to respond to as many advertisements as possible.
2. Scrap that idea! I am making a new ..................... .
3. It was quite easy to ................ to a smaller budget, although I miss the take-away.
4. My salary is always .................. because I work different hours every month.
5. We have converted our ................... space to create an extra bedroom upstairs.
6. Her grandpa had a ................... installed in his house to make things easier.

natural - loft - adapt - drawing - encourage - stair lift - fluctuating

Warm-up exercises

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

NATURAL does not match up.
1. I really encourage. you to respond to as many advertisements as possible.
2. Scrap that idea! I am making a new drawing .
3. It was quite easy to adapt to a smaller budget, although I miss the take-away.
4. My salary is always fluctuating because I work different hours every month.
5. We have converted our loft space to create an extra bedroom upstairs.
6. Her grandpa had a stair lift installed in his house to make things easier.

natural - loft - adapt - drawing - encourage - stair lift - fluctuating

Check your answers:

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

NATURAL does not match up.
How would you describe
these amenities?
Discuss with a classmate. 

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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Which amenities would you love to have in your future room/ house?

Slide 9 - Woordweb

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Which of these stairs has a gentle gradient?

Slide 10 - Sleepvraag

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Which word belongs where?

Discuss with a classmate. Look at the words. Do they remind you of other words?

Slide 11 - Sleepvraag

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Read the text 

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Find the PDF/ text for this assignment in Teams - Lease Material 
1. According to the article, The British Homes Awards challenged architects to design a house …
for disabled people
for ageing inhabitants
that could adapt to all ages
for young families with children

Slide 13 - Quizvraag

The homes had to be easily adaptable to less mobile inhabitants (but they were not build only for them), and also to create communities in which ageing occupants could continue to enjoy shared amenities. So summarising, the homes had to take into account the needs of ageing people and disabled people, but they were designed not only for them.
2. According to the article, in the winning property, bedrooms are downstairs to …
benefit from the view
have easier access to the house
have more privacy in the living room
keep the same pleasant atmosphere the whole day

Slide 14 - Quizvraag

The text says "And they put the bedrooms on the ground floor where the garden aspect gives inhabitants increased privacy, and a cool temperature is maintained throughout the day." According to the text, you benefit from the view from the top floor, not from the bedrooms, and you have more privacy in the bedrooms, not in the living room.
3. According to the article, the parking spaces in this house design are …
on the first floor
on the ground floor
in a separate building
in the street

Slide 15 - Quizvraag

According to the text, the terrace floor, on the first floor is a car-free zone. It says that "Vehicles are tucked away on the lower floor". The lower floor (from the first floor) is the ground floor.
4. According to the article, in the SunnySideUp house the ground floor ...
can be rented
can be sold separately
is only used to store cars
has a room for grandparents

Slide 16 - Quizvraag

"The lower-floor bedrooms have separate outdoor access so they can be easily let." (=rented)
5. We learn from the article that …
children can play safely outside the house
the houses overlook a street crammed with cars
the back garden is the main talking point for the inhabitants

Slide 17 - Quizvraag

"In a SunnySideUp development no one has to look out onto a street full of cars, or worry about their kids being run over, because the terrace zone at the first floor level link all the homes and is a car-free zone. Vehicles are tucked away on the lower floor, leaving safe and pleasant spaces outside the houses for people to meet, and kids to play."
6. According to the article, the house has been designed …
to be rented
to be shared if necessary
for families with a small income

Slide 18 - Quizvraag

According to the text, the ground-floor bedrooms can be rented or can be used for grandparents or even for adult children who still live with their parents. So the space can be shared if necessary.
"But it’s the fact that the space is designed to adapt to the changing needs, including the fluctuating income of its owners, that makes it a thought-provoking, as well as a winning, design. The lower-floor bedrooms have separate outdoor access so they can be easily let. The idea is that owners can get some extra money to pay for their mortgages during the first years. And later in the future, those bedrooms can be used as a granny flat, or an office, and can easily be converted into a separate one-bed flat if your kids won’t leave home.
7. According to the article, the SunnySideUp development …
is being built
will never be built
will hopefully be built
has been recently built

Slide 19 - Quizvraag

According to the text, the building is not build yet, and it is taking some time because of the difficult economy, but they hope it will be built.
'At the moment the SunnySideUp house is still just a set of drawings. But Warren Rosing says, "We are hoping to have it built." The organisers are in talks with builders, but due to the economic climate it may take longer than we would like."Weʼre sure it will be worth the wait" they say.'
Final assignment:
What do you think YOUR ‘Upside Down House’ would look like?
How would you use it? Draw a picture of it and try to include
as many details from the text as possible.

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week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5
week 6
Introduction: Reading & Listening.    
Practise Reading & Listening.    
Practise Reading & Listening.
Practise Test: Reading B1 OR Reading B2.
Discuss results practise test. Start on grammar exercises Unit 4/5 (CanDoOnline).
week 7
week 8
week 9
week 10
October Assignment:
Work on grammar exercises Unit 4/5 (CanDoOnline).
Practise Test: Listening B2. Work on grammar exercises Unit 4/5 (CanDoOnline).
DEADLINE grammar exercises Unit 4/5 (CanDoOnline).
IA Y2 intern

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What did you think about today's assignment?

Slide 22 - Poll

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<--   Scan the link.

Please answer the short questionnaire. 
(in Dutch - whoo hoo!)

TIME: 2-3 minutes 

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