CSP V4 Unit 3 In the Public Eye

V4 - Week 44: 
OA Unit 3: Speaking + Reading + Listening
Exam Folder 2

Do the exercises for Unit 3
Exam Folder 2
Prepare your Book Presentation

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
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In deze les zitten 16 slides, met tekstslides en 1 video.

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V4 - Week 44: 
OA Unit 3: Speaking + Reading + Listening
Exam Folder 2

Do the exercises for Unit 3
Exam Folder 2
Prepare your Book Presentation

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Unit 3: In the public eye
Do you think celebrities who live 'in the public eye' feel happier than us 'normal' people? Why/Why not?

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

"Game of Thrones" star Sophie Turner is outspoken about going through an eating disorder, depression, and anxiety. Speaking to The Times UK in May 2019, Turner said that she struggled with her body image as a teenager, and being in the spotlight didn't help. 
"I feel much better," she said. "I've been going to therapy at CAST Centers, actually. I'm on medication and I love myself now, or more than I used to, I think. I don't think I love myself at all, but I'm now with someone that makes me realize that I do have some redeeming qualities, I suppose. And when someone tells you they love you every day, it makes you really think about why that is and I think it makes you love yourself a bit more."

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

  • Do you believe being famous can have a negative effect on people? 
  • Can you give examples of celebrities who had problems with things like drugs or alcohol, depression, self-harm, or suicidal tendencies?
  • How does it make you feel when someone who 'has it all' goes through these struggles?
  • What do you think about the topic of mental health in general? Do we need to discuss it more? Is there a taboo on it still?

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Slide 5 - Video

Unit 3: Speaking (p22)
Discuss question 1 on p. 22 with your classmate. Write down the answers your partner give you, then reverse roles and do the same.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Unit 3: Reading (p22-23)
  • Before reading the text about Michelle Obama, discuss exercise 1 with your classmate before moving on to exercises 2 + 3
  • For exercises 4 + 5, write down your answers.

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Unit 3: Listening (p24)
We will do exercises 1-2 together first.
Do exercises 3 + 4 together with a classmate & write down your answers to 4. 
Ex. 1 p. 24

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OA Unit 3 - Part 2

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Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Do the following 3-part exercises online before moving on to the exercises in the book. Remember, 70% correct means you are on the right track to understanding this topic!

Now do exercises 1-4 of grammar and 1-4 of vocabulary. 

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Exam Folder 2
Watch the video before
moving on to the 
exercises of Exam 
Folder 2. 

  • Do exercises 1-7
  • Read the exam advice

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To do list for this week:
  1. Grammar exercises: 1-4 (p.24)
  2. Listening 1-4 (p.24)
  3. Vocabulary exercises 1-4 (p.25)
  4. Check your answers!

  5. Do Exam Folder 2 + check your answers
  6. Study vocab list units 1-3 

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Unit 3: Speaking (p25)
Prepare the interview for next week. Make sure you divide the roles of interviewer and interviewee and that you choose an appropriate celebrity. I will ask some of you to perform your interview in front of the class next week Monday.

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