Structure paper 2

Goals for today 
Consider successful structure in a body paragraph 
Discover different structuring options for paper 2 
Consider an acronym to use to structure paragraphs in a comparative essay 
Information about structuring a conclusion 

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EngelsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

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Goals for today 
Consider successful structure in a body paragraph 
Discover different structuring options for paper 2 
Consider an acronym to use to structure paragraphs in a comparative essay 
Information about structuring a conclusion 

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Components that are
found in
good quality paper 2

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  • Clear topic sentence
  • Main claim broken down into smaller claims
  • Use of evidence and exploration of it
  • Evaluation/interpretation of the significance of the claim/s being made
  • A sense of coherent development
  • Points of comparison between the two texts
  • Connection to the question and/or thesis. 

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What: statements of facts or claims presented as fact. 
How: evidence being used to support statements of fact. 
Why: exploration of the impact or significance of these claims


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Structuring the paper 
1. The Alternating Method: this is where you discuss one comparative point for texts A and B and then move on to your next comparative point for texts A and B and so on. You have clear comparisons running through all paragraphs. 
2. The Block Method: This is where you discuss your key comparative points for text A in subsequent paragraphs. Then you discuss the same comparative points in text B in several paragraphs with comparisons to text A. 

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  • Is it well-balanced between the two texts?
  • Does it stay focused on answering the question, allowing you to make regular and explicit comparative points about the two texts in response to the topic, and in terms of how they are written?
  • Is it clear and logical?
  • Does it develop a convincing argument in response to the question?
  • Is there a sense of progress within and between each paragraph, ending with the conclusion?

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  1. Look at the excerpt from a paper 2 response - introduction and two body paragraphs. 
  2. Consider the notes on the features and how they are constructed throughout the paragraphs. 
  3. Read the document in MB => paper 2 => 'structuring paper 2 essays' 
  4. Which type of structuring is this essay adhering to? 

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PEACE ACT - acronym 
Evidence from the 1st work 
Analysis of evidence from the 1st work 

Connect - how is the authorial choice in work 1 similar or different from work 2? 
Evidence from 2nd work 
Analysis 2nd work 
Compare - how are the effects on the reader similar or different?
Tie back to thesis statement 
Paragraph 1 point 1 
Paragraph 2 point 1 

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If you structure your paragraphs in this way (is only one option), this will probably result in approximately 6 body paragraphs. Three main supporting claims that support your thesis statement. For each supporting claim, two paragraphs focusing on the two works. 

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Components of an introduction paper 2
1. Hook where you explore the TOPIC of the question  
2. Identify the two works and authors being used. Identify date of publication/ first performance and the original language. Remember to underline the titles of novels, memoirs or plays (quotation marks for titles of poems)
3. Brief summary of both works keeping an eye on the topic.
4. Use the wording of the question
5. Acknowledge the similarities and the differences
6. Make an argument and state the 'insightful idea' that you have using a clear comparative thesis statement.
Check that all these components were in your introduction. 

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Linking is key & conclusion 
1. Offer a clear signpost that the essay is coming to an end. 
2. Reiterate: use language from the essay question and/or thesis statement to reiterate the authors purposes and use of language. Do not repeat the thesis statement, but reword. A strong conclusion will restate the thesis statement and broaden the scope of the essay in four to six sentences.
3. Wise words: try to end with a generalisation that is not too sweeping and connects to the opening sentence of your essay. 

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Colour coding body paragraph
1. A clear topic sentence with the wording of the question and an insightful idea. 
2. Clear textual references or evidence If quotations, they are embedded into your sentences.
3. Labelling of literary or stylistic features and a discussion of their effects. 
4. Transition words and phrases (linking).
5. Comparative language. 

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And now...
... you are the storyteller
The 60-seconds post-it

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What have you learnt about structuring paper 2 comparative essay 
Write down what you know in 60 seconds. 

Slide 17 - Open vraag