English (SLA) - Lesson 1

Second Language Acquisition
English BP - Lecture 1
Jessie Penning
1 / 22
Slide 1: Tekstslide
PABOHBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zit 22 slide, met interactieve quiz, tekstslide en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

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Second Language Acquisition
English BP - Lecture 1
Jessie Penning

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Programme for today
1. Introduction and practical items 
2. Assessments
3. Learning a second language

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Jessie Penning
High school English Teacher
CLIL and diversity coordinator
31 years

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How about you?
Introduce yourself (name) and write down three interesting things about yourself

Slide 4 - Open vraag

How do you feel when you need to use English?
Fine. I'm a proficient
Okay, but I. get nervous
Help! I can't speak English
Mij niet bellen

Slide 5 - Quizvraag

Slide 6 - Video

Do you think English should be taught at school?

Slide 7 - Poll

Why should English be taught in primary schools?

Slide 8 - Open vraag

English and SLA

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Important definitions
  • Native language / mother tongue / L1
  • Second language (L2), third language (L3), …
  • Foreign language acquisition
  • Monolingualism – bilingualism – multilingualism
  • Simultaneous/successive second language learners
  • L1 interference

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Exercise ‘foreign language’
  1. Work in pairs and choose a language one of you (person A) speaks to a limited degree (not English, but French of Spanish for instance) and the other one (person B) understand to a limited degree.
  2. Person A explains in the chosen language why (s)he wants to become a teacher. Person B tries to understand.
  3. Switch roles.


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  1. Was it difficult to speak the foreign language? Why?
  2. Did you improve after a few minutes?
  3. How did you try to express yourself? What were you thinking?
  4. How did you feel while speaking a foreign language?
  5. Was it difficult to understand the speaker?

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Foreign Language - Vocabulary and speaking
Discuss in pairs IN ENGLISH, discuss in class:
- Have you travelled to other countries for your holiday? Which country did you visit?
- Did you speak a foreign language?
- Do you speak any other languages than Dutch? Which ones? Do you consider those languages as your second/third… language? (In other words, how proficient should one be?)
- What do you think the advantages or disadvantages are of speaking other languages in addition to your mother tongue?

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EIBO (Engels in het basisonderwijs)
Learning a new language is difficult but fun at the same time.
As a teacher:
  • Try to create a positive attitude towards learning a new language.
  • Try to create a safe environment in which students feel confident enough to speak English.

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Second language learning
There are multiple theories on how people learn a (second) language.
The ones you need to remember are from:
  • Chomsky
  • Skinner
  • Brüner

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  • Strict distinction between grammar and lexicon
  • Universal grammar which is innate
  • Language learners construct new utterances based on the universal grammar principles and the new words they learn (creative construction).
  • Counter argument:
  •  Children do need language input!

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  • Language is behavior = language learners imitate
  • A baby is a ‘tabula rasa’.
  • Counter argument:
  •  Children construct utterances that they
  •  haven’t heard before (“Nee, boek stuk”)

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  • Interactionist theory: language learning in a socio-cultural context
  • Zone of proximal development (Vygotsky)
  • Scaffolding = gradually building
  •  and diminishing help

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Question: Is second language learning similar to first language learning?

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A second language learner goes through roughly the same stages as a first language learner.
  • Use of L1 in the new context (not effective for communication)
  • Silent period
  • Use of chunks
  • Productive L2 use (through a stage of interlanguage which gets closer and closer to the target language)

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Levels of language, levels of language development
  • Phonology
  • Lexicon
  • Morphology
  • Syntax
  • Semantics
  • Pragmatics

At which levels do you expect L1 interference?

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

Your school
EIBO: three variants
  • EIBO bovenbouw (7/8)
One hour a week
Versterkt: more than one hour a week
CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning (English Methodology)
  • Vervroegd EIBO (5/6)
  • VVTO: vervroegd vreemdetalenonderwijs (1)
  • Pilot: TPO (tweetalig primair onderwijs) = 30 to 50 % English

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