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3M Unit 5
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
25-03: Unit 5 lesson 1/2
- 15 min. of reading
- Lesson 1: ex. 1 t/m 4 together
- Build up 16
1 / 34
Slide 1:
Middelbare school
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Leerjaar 3
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34 slides
, met
interactieve quizzen
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Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
25-03: Unit 5 lesson 1/2
- 15 min. of reading
- Lesson 1: ex. 1 t/m 4 together
- Build up 16
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Today: Unit 5 25-03
Tony Beets
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
07-04: Unit 5 lesson 3
- 15 minutes of reading
- Lesson 3: ex. 1 together
- Lesson 3: do ex. 2 t/m 6 + 11
- Speaking: find the differences
- Build up 18
Monday 15-04: SO b-up 16-17-18
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
05-06: Unit 5
- Finish Unit 5 (t/m lesson 6)
- Work on your vlog (deadline: 11-06)
Tomorrow: Diatekst
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
17-04: Unit 5 lesson 3
- Lesson 3: do ex. 1 t/m 6 + 11
- Speaking: find the differences
- Uitleg Vlog
08-05: Lesson 3: ex. 1 t/m 6 + 11
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
08-05: Unit 5 lesson 4
- 15 min. of reading
- Lesson 4: ex. 1 - 3 - 4
Grammar: Imperative (geb. wijs) ex. 7 - 8 - 9
- Work on: ex. 2 - 5 - 6 - 8 t/m 11
- Work on: Vlog (hand in: 09-06)
22-05: Leestoets (WB: EN-NE)
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Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
15-04: Unit 5 lesson 4
- SO Build up 16-17-18
Grammar: Imperative (geb. wijs) ex. 7 - 8 - 9
- Work on: ex. 1 t/m 9
- Work on: Vlog (hand in: 30-05)
13-05: Leestoets (WB: EN-NE)
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Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
18-04: Unit 5 lesson 4
- Finish: ex. 1 t/m 9 Weektaak
- Work on: Vlog (hand in: 30-05)
13-05: Leestoets (WB: EN-NE)
Slide 8 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
16-05: Unit 5 lesson 5
- Lesson 5: ex. 1-4-5
- Grammar: yes/no questions & adverbs
- Work on: ex. 1 t/m 8
Slide 9 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Ja/nee - antwoorden:
Engelsen antwoorden nooit met alleen
--> Ja:
eerste ww uit de vraagzin
--> Nee:
eerste ww uit de vraagzin
in her room? -->
clean their room? -->
. /
like dogs? -->
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Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Ja/nee - antwoorden:
Vul het ja/nee antwoord aan:
Does your dad always mow the lawn?
Ja: ...
Nee: ...
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Ja/nee - antwoorden:
Vul het ja/nee antwoord aan:
Does your dad always mow the lawn?
Yes he does.
No he doesn't.
Slide 12 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Ja/nee - antwoorden:
Vul het ja/nee antwoord aan:
Are you coming to my party?
Ja: ...
Nee: ...
Slide 13 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Ja/nee - antwoorden:
Vul het ja/nee antwoord aan:
Are you coming to my party?
I am
I am not
Slide 14 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Bijwoorden van tijd:
--> geven aan hoe vaak iets gebeurd:
Slide 15 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Bijwoorden van tijd:
--> plaats in de zin:
go to school by bus?
Slide 16 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Bijwoorden van tijd:
--> plaats in de zin:
Bevestigende/Ontkennende zinnen:
to school by bus.
vorm van 'to be'
: (am, is, are, was, were)
Slide 17 - Tekstslide
on Mondays
Slide 18 - Sleepvraag
do the dishes
Slide 19 - Sleepvraag
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
27-05: Unit 5 Lesson 5
- 15 min. of reading
- Finish lesson 5: ex. 1 t/m 8
- Done?:
-> Work on your vlog (
deadline: 30-05
-> study irregular verbs
Monday 03-06: Diatoets tekst
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Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
30-05: Unit 5 Lesson 6
Grades reading test
- Do: ex. 1 t/m 4
- Study: irregular verbs
- Work on your vlog (
deadline: today!!
Monday 03-06: Diatoets tekst
Bring your (charged!) laptop + headphones
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Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
12-06: Unit 5
- 15 min. of reading
- Vlogs af?
- Diatekst: Chris, Jesse, Sten
- Oefenblad Unit 5
- Grammar Unit 5 herhalen
Slide 22 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
20-06: Unit 5
- 15 min. of reading
- Diatekst: Chris, Sten
- Study for your test. Any questions?
Unit 5 + all irregular verbs
- Irregular verbs quiz
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Slide 24 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Informele brief:
Je bent op vakantie in Spanje. Je bent een dag naar het strand geweest en schrijft erover naar je beste vriend/vriendin.
- Wat je vandaag gedaan hebt.
- Wat er zo leuk aan was.
- Wat viel er tegen.
- Hoe lang je nog in Spanje blijft.
- Dat je niet kunt wachten hem/haar weer te zien.
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Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
03-06: Unit 5 Lesson 6
Diatoets tekst
- Vlog: haven't received them all!!
- Grammar: Gebiedende wijs
- Finish: ex. 1 t/m 4
- Study: irregular verbs
Slide 26 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
10-06: Unit 5 Recap
Recap grammar:
- Korte ja/nee-antwoorden
- Gebiedende wijs
- Woordvolgorde + bijwoorden van tijd
- Irregular verbs
Slide 27 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Gebiedende wijs:
Bevel, advies, aanwijzing of waarschuwing.
Begin de zin met het hele ww. (zonder 'to')
the phone down.
Look out
for that car!
Als iemand iets vooral
moet doen: 'Don't + hele ww.
Don't walk
on the grass.
Don't forget
to take out the trash.
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Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Gebiedende wijs:
Vertaal de zin:
Doe de deur dicht.
Slide 29 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Gebiedende wijs:
Vertaal de zin:
Doe de deur dicht.
Close the door.
Slide 30 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Gebiedende wijs:
Vertaal de zin:
Bel een ambulance!
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Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Gebiedende wijs:
Vertaal de zin:
Bel een ambulance!
Call an ambulance!
Slide 32 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Gebiedende wijs:
Vertaal de zin:
Niet de eenden voeren.
Slide 33 - Tekstslide
Today: Unit 3 14-01
- Lesson 5: WH-words
Lesson 5: ex. 4 and 5 together
- Woots
- Finish ex. 1 t/m 5
Homework: 3.4 1 t/m 5 and study your irregular verbs
Gebiedende wijs:
Vertaal de zin:
Niet de eenden voeren.
Don't feed the ducks.
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