the totalitarian character of the communist political system
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GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3
In deze les zitten 10 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.
Lesduur is: 50 min
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2.2 Fascism and communism
characteristic aspect:
the totalitarian character of the communist political system
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
What you will be able to explain after this lesson
Fascism using its 4 characteristics.
Why and how Stalin wanted to turn the Soviet Union into an industrial superpower.
What the importance of propaganda and indoctrination is for an dictatorship.
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
People in this lesson
Joseph Stalin
Soviet Union
Benito Mussolini
Fascist dictator
Vladimir Lenin
Communist leader
Soviet Union
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Fascism (ideology):
government has total control of society.
He formed:
the National Fascist Party
Mussolini was oppointed prime minster
Italy becomes a one-party state + Mussolini dictator
Fascism > state ideology
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The 4 characteristics of fascism
Slide 5 - Woordweb
New Economic Policy
Communism <-> Capitalism
Lenin dies
Stalin takes over
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the Great Purge
First 5-year plan > industrial superpower
needed to join kolkhozes > Collectivisation
Soviet Union:
totalitarian dictatorship
Propaganda + indoctrination:
Religion and cult of personality
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‘Father of Nations’
Stalin used propaganda in order to indoctrinate the Russians and make them believe that he was an all-powerful, wise and kind leader. A big
cult of personality around him was built, in which children had to learn songs and poems about him. They had to thank Stalin for their country and their lives. The phrase, ‘thank you dear comrade Stalin for our happy childhood,’ appeared above doorways at schools and nurseries. Posters, that pictured the dictator as a kind father figure and a powerful leader, could be found everywhere. Stalin was shown as the true follower of Lenin and because of this, his rule was faultless. Stalin was pictured next to Lenin, cities were named after him, books and music were written about him and almost every city had its own statue of the dictator.
"In 1920, [Dmitry] Moor designed a striking poster, "Bud' na strazhe!" (Be on Guard!) that featured a drawing of Trotsky holding a bayonet and standing, larger than life, on Russian territory, with minuscule enemies around him."
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Soviet Union
1921: Lenin's New Economic Policy
1924: Lenin dies, Stalin takes over
1928: first Five-Year Plan
1936-38: the Great Purge
1922: Mussolini was oppointed prime minister
1925: Italy becomes an one-party state.
Important dates:
Slide 9 - Tekstslide
What you will be able to explain after this lesson
Fascism using its 4 characteristics.
Why and how Stalin wanted to turn the Soviet Union into an industrial superpower.
What the importance of propaganda and indoctrination is for an dictatorship.
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