Week 2.1 CPE Writing Part 1

Alison Loeff-Bingham
Welcome Back!
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EngelsHBOStudiejaar 2

In deze les zitten 26 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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Alison Loeff-Bingham
Welcome Back!

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Language Skills 4: CPE Writing
Week 2.1: 
CPE Writing Part 1

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CPE Writing

Slide 3 - Woordweb

Today's lesson
  • CPE Writing Paper: General information
  • Writing Part 1
  • Getting started
  • Structuring your work
  • Useful phrases
  • Over to you: write an essay
  • If time: peer feedback

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CPE writing Mock exam
  • 90 minutes
  • Part 1: Compulsory. Essay (240-280 words).
  • Part 2: Choose one of three options: article, letter, review or report (280-320 words).

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Looking ahead:

  • Official CPE exam June 2023
  • Writing Part 2 question 5 (optional): set texts

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CPE Part 1 Essay

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Getting started: Tips
Step 1: Read the texts
  • What is the main topic?
  • Identify similarities/differences between the texts
Step 2: Underline 4 key points
  • Identify the 2 main arguments in each text
Step 3: Get ideas
  • What is your opinion?
Step 4: Plan
Step 5: Write
Step 6: Check

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Read the texts (4 minutes)
  • What is the main topic?
  • Any similarites/differences?

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What is the main topic?

Slide 10 - Open vraag


Slide 11 - Woordweb

  • Read the text ‘Eating together’. 
  • What is the controlling idea of the text?
  • What are the two main points of the text?
  • Read the text ‘Food, glorious food!’
  • What is the controlling idea of the text?
  • What are the two main points of the text?

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Text 1: Eating together
What is the controlling idea of the text?

Slide 13 - Open vraag

What are the two main points of Text 1 'Eating together?'

Slide 14 - Open vraag

Text 2: 'Food glorious food!'
What is the controlling idea of the text?

Slide 15 - Open vraag

What are the two main points of 'Food glorious food!'?

Slide 16 - Open vraag

Don't forget to include your opinion!

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Structuring your work
  • Your essay must be organised into paragraphs.
  • Your paragraphs must be coherent (= logical,easy to follow)

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  • Helps you to be clear and stick to the point.
  • Helps your readers to follow your argumentation.
  • 1 idea per paragraph

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Essay structure

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Paragraph structure

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Don’t forget the linking words!

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Over to you ...
  • Make a short plan.
  • Write your essay.
  • Use the handout to help.
  • Mail to alison.loeff@han.nl for feedback.

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What did you think about this lesson?

Slide 26 - Open vraag