A5, review rubric

Topic sentence
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

In deze les zitten 17 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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Topic sentence

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Topic sentence (0-3)
0 There is no topic sentence with opinion. 

1 The topic sentence and opinion is not clear or logical.
2 The topic sentence and opinion is clear and/or logical. 
3 The topic sentence and opinion is clear and logical. 

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

I am quite positive about the series and I would definitely recommend it.
0 - no topic sentence with opinion
1 - not clear or logical
2 - clear and/or logical
3 - clear and logical

Slide 3 - Poll

If I was given £10 to spend on a book I would automatically head for the horror, sci-fi or thriller sections so the fact that Harry Potter is fantasy just shows how amazing the books are!
0 - no topic sentence with opinion
1 - not clear or logical
2 - clear and/or logical
3 - clear and logical

Slide 4 - Poll

Both the novel and the movie were well received by their respective audiences and became major commercial successes.
0 - no topic sentence with opinion
1 - not clear or logical
2 - clear and/or logical
3 - clear and logical

Slide 5 - Poll

Schrijf een topic sentence voor categorie 3:
The topic sentence and opinion is clear and logical.

Slide 6 - Open vraag

  • 0 The supporting sentences do not give any argumentation and have no examples from the novel/movie/series; the target reader is not informed
  • 1 The supporting sentences hardly give an argumentation or examples from the novel/movie/series; the target reader is not well informed.
  • 2 The supporting sentences give an argumentation and examples from the novel/movie/series; the reader is informed. 
  • 3 The supporting sentences give a logical argumentation and examples from the novel/movie/series; target reader is convinced by the information.

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Example argument
The descriptive language of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is what makes the novel such a wonderful reading experience. In the first book of the series, Harry, as well as the reader, are first introduced to the world of magic. Right from the start, Rowling shows the vast scale of her imaginative capabilities. Rowling’s descriptive style allows the reader to truly imagine what Hogwarts must be like, which makes the story come alive for readers of all ages.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Wat is het maximaal aantal punten voor het vorige argument?

Slide 9 - Quizvraag

Example argument
The descriptive language of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is what makes the novel such a wonderful reading experience. In the first book of the series, Harry, as well as the reader, are first introduced to the world of magic. Right from the start, Rowling shows the vast scale of her imaginative capabilities. When Harry first enters the Great Hall for the first time, every little detail is described, from the food on the tables to the bewitched ceiling. Rowling’s descriptive style allows the reader to truly imagine what Hogwarts must be like, which makes the story come alive for readers of all ages.

1 The supporting sentences hardly give an argumentation or examples from the novel/movie/series; the target reader is not well informed.
2 The supporting sentences give an argumentation and examples from the novel/movie/series; the reader is informed. 

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Denk aan je eigen argument voor HD of toets. Welk voorbeeld heb je in gedachten om het argument te onderbouwen? Noem het argument en het voorbeeld in je antwoord.

Slide 11 - Open vraag

Een goed voorbeeld is....
  • Duidelijk, ook voor wie de film/serie/boek niet kent
  • Specifiek, niet te groot of alomvattend
  • In lijn met het argument
  • Gekoppeld aan het argument door supporting sententies

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Vocabulary and register
The author uses a simple vocabulary and phrases inappropriately. (0)
The movie was good acted.
The author uses simple vocabulary and phrases appropriately and inappropriately. (1)
The movie was well-acted. The actors acted relatable.
The author uses simple vocabulary and phrases appropriately. (2)
The movie was well-acted. The actors made the story relatable.
The author uses a wide range of vocabulary and phrases appropriately. (3)
The movie was well-acted and the performance of the actors was relatable. 
The author uses complex vocabulary and phrases appropriately. (4)
The acting performance of the actors was incredibly relatable and elevated the movie as a whole. 

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Wat heb je nodig om hieraan te voldoen?
The review is pleasant to read and
is a well-organised coherent whole.
Linking words are used effectively.
(4 pt)

Slide 14 - Woordweb

The author uses simple grammar.
Mistakes cause major misunderstanding. 0 
The author uses simple grammar.
Mistakes cause misunderstanding. 1
 The author uses simple grammar appropriately.
Mistakes do no cause misunderstanding. 2
  • korte zinnen
  • simpele werkwoordstijden (present/past simple: it is/it was)
 The author uses simple grammar appropriately and uses more complex structures with few mistakes. 3
  • Wat langere zinnen, met o.a. relative clauses. "the actor, who also was in another movie called Rambo, played the role of..."
  • ook continuous vormen (to be + -ing), passives etc. ("The movie was considered" ipv "Many people thought the movie"
  • een paar fouten, maar wel duidelijk
 The author uses complex grammar appropriately. 4
  • Net als hiervoor, maar (bijna volledig) foutloos.

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Hoe schat je je voorbereiding op de komende toets Engels in?

Slide 16 - Poll

Wat kun je zeggen over de verdere voorbereiding voor de toets?
Ik heb nog wel vragen, maar die stel ik morgen in de les
Ik heb nog wel vragen, maar ik stuur nog even een mailtje.
Ik heb nog wel vragen, maar ik kom er zelf uit/overleg met een klasgenoot.
Ik heb nog wel vragen en blijf na de les nog even hangen.
Ik heb geen vragen meer.

Slide 17 - Poll