Compare and contrast characters using a P2 question
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EngelsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)
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Character revision documents
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Compare and contrast characters using a P2 question
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
1. Make three columns and write in each the main and supporting characters for each novel.
2. Make connections between the characters.
3. Find events, quotes, character traits and character roles that are either similar or different.
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Character investigation
You will be given a character from the novels we have read. Investigate their impact and importance in the novel or play.
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
Physical Description: How does the characters' appearances reflect their personalities or roles in the story?
Background and History: What are the characters' backgrounds, and how do these influence their actions and motivations?
Personality Traits: What are the defining traits of your character? How do these traits affect their interactions with others?
Relationships: How does your character relate to other characters in the novel? What do these relationships reveal about them?
Development and Growth: How does your character change over the course of the novel or play? What events or experiences contribute to their development?
Conflicts and Challenges: What internal and external conflicts does your character face? How do they respond to these challenges?
Themes and Symbols: How does your character embody the themes and symbols of the novel or play?
Collect these answers in a Word document. You will need share this. The name of your document is the character's name.
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Find, in the digital version of the novel or play, three pieces of evidence (or more), in the form of quotations, that illustrate some of your answers from the previous slide. Copy and paste this evidence into the word document containing your previous answers.
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
Choose two characters, from works that you are preparing, that you feel could be compared and contrasted
Fill a Venn diagram illustrating the similarities and differences between the characters.
Investigate the paper 2 question given.
Use the paper 2 structure document in MB to structure your thesis and topic sentences
Paper 2 question example:
Considering two works you have studied, discuss how the reader’s/audience’s relationship with a character or characters evolves over the course of a work.
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
Choose an adjective that you feel is central to describing one of your characters at the beginning of the novel/play. Do the same for your second character.
Construct a word map adding branches to your adjectives showing related words, events, quotes and plot points
Choose two second adjectives that you feel describe your characters at the end of the novel/play.
Construct a second word map adding branches to your adjectives showing related words, events, quotes and plot points.
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
Character investigation
Paper 2 question example:
Considering two works you have studied, discuss how the reader’s/audience’s relationship with a character or characters evolves over the course of a work.
Construct a plan using the planning document in MB paper 2 files.
Use the information you have collected in your Venn diagram and your word map.