1) Groups of 4-6 students (choose a Team name.)
2) Place a set of cards face down on the table.
3) A team member (the clue-giver) is chosen from the first group and brought to the front of the class.
4) A fact checker is chosen from the other team to make sure that the clue-giver is keeping to the rules. This person will also become the cluegiver for their team when the turn is over for the first team.
5) The clue-giver takes the first card and describes it to their teammates (the guessers) without using any of the taboo (forbidden) words in it. The fact checker will make sure of this. If the guessers guess, they score a point for their team, Then, the card is set aside and the clue-giver picks another one to describe.
6) If the clue-giver says a forbidden word, the other team scores a point.
7) Buzzer the timer after 90 seconds, count the number of words correctly identified and list them beneath the team name on the board.
8) When time runs out, the fact checker becomes the cluegiver to continue the game.