Mavo 3 periode 2 week 23

1 / 41
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo k, mavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 41 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Welcome ZM3C
  • Oortjes uit 
  • Boek en etui op tafel
  • Tas op de grond
  • Ga op je plek zitten
  • Doe je jas uit
  • Telefoon in je tas

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PTO 2 - Week 23 - lesson 1
Today's mission:
  • Short Story: The Wish
  • Recap 5 short stories

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inloggen via SomToday

Deze week:  
- 3 Listening opdrachten
- 3 Reading opdrachten

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Today's mission
Reading short stories: 
The Wish

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The Wish

Roald Dahl

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Questions about what we've read so far: 

Who are the main characters of the book?

What do you know about the main characters?

How do you feel about what you've read?

What do you think will happen next? 


Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Questions about what we've read so far: 

1.Find ten words in the story that are connected with fear.
2. Findfive verbs that describe the movement of the child along the path.
3. What effect did the carpet first have on the child?
4. What was he afraid of as he walked across the carpet
5. What motivated and encouraged the child to start and continue on his journey?
6. What did the child see as he looked down on the carpet?
7. What was his mother doing?


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Today's mission
Reading short stories: 

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The Landlady by Roald Dahl is a story about a young man named Billy Weaver. He arrives in Bath to find a place to stay and finds a small guest house run by a kind old lady. At first, everything seems nice. But as the night goes on, Billy notices some strange things that make him feel uneasy.

In Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl, Mary Maloney is a loving wife who is shocked when her husband gives her bad news. In a moment of strong emotions, she takes unexpected action. She then stays calm and finds a clever way to handle the situation, even when the police arrive to investigate. 

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The Elevator by William Sleator is a scary story about a boy named Martin who is afraid of elevators. One day, he starts seeing a strange woman in the elevator. She makes him feel very nervous. As time goes on, his fear gets worse. The story ends in a surprising and scary way.

The End of the Line by Allison Randall is about Liza and her twin brother Frank. They see a new telephone at the post office and dream of making calls. In an old mine, they find a gold coin but also meet some dangerous men who tie them up. One of the men later helps them, and they return home. In the end, Liza learns that some dreams are harder to reach than they seem. 

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The Wish by Roald Dahl is a short story about a young boy who sits on the stairs and sets himself a task that he takes very seriously.

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What is your favourite short story?
Lamb to the slaughter
The Landlady
The Elevator
The end of the Line
The Wish

Slide 13 - Poll

Blooket / Quizlet live

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Finish reading all five short stories

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PTO 2 - Week 23 - lesson 2
Today's mission:
  • Mock Test Short Stories
  • Test preparation
  • Grammar

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Stepping Stones p. 20
  1. Do you like spaghetti?                     No, I don't like Italian food.
  2. Does he play football?                     No, he doesn't play any sports.
  3. Does she live in your street?         No, she doesn't live in my town anymore. 
  4. Does your cat eat meat?                 No, it doesn't eat meat.
  5. Do we need a car?                              No, we don't need a car. 
  6. Do they go to the cinema a lot?   No, they don't watch films very often. 

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inloggen via SomToday

Deze week:  
- 3 Listening opdrachten
- 3 Reading opdrachten

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Today's mission
Reading short stories: 
mock test

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

How does Billy Weaver feel when he first meets the landlady in The Landlady?

Slide 20 - Open vraag

What does Mary Maloney do to hide what she has done in Lamb to the Slaughter?

Slide 21 - Open vraag

What is strange about the fat lady in The Elevator?

Slide 22 - Open vraag

How does the behaviour of the bad guy in The End of the Line make Liza feel?

Slide 23 - Open vraag

What does the boy pretend the carpet is in The Wish?

Slide 24 - Open vraag

What is your favourite short story and why?

Slide 25 - Open vraag

Today's mission
Test pto2 

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PTO 2: two tests
- Leesvaardigheid (examenteksten): 90 minuten
- Schrijfvaardigheid (+short stories): 90 minuten

LET OP: Je moet je eigen woordenboek(en) meenemen. 
Je mag ze niet meer van school lenen.

Handig zijn:
ENG-NL (voor de leestoets)
NL-ENG (voor het schrijven)
Nederlands - eigen taal

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

PTO 2: two tests

De opdrachten zijn in het Nederlands

- examenidioom vocabulary
- short stories lezen
- alle info staat op Teams
- oefenen oude examens (in de klas gedaan)

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Leesvaardigheid extra oefenen:

Schrijfvaardigheid extra oefenen:

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Today's mission
Grammar: You can use if and when and conditionals

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Grammar 54, page 45

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Er zijn drie conditionals
  • Zero conditional
  • First conditional
  • Second conditional

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Zero conditional

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First conditional

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Second conditional

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Grammar 55b, page 46

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Grammar 55c, page 46

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Can you use if/when and the conditionals?

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Blooket / Quizlet live

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Study Examenidioom theme 7/8/9/10/11/12
Finish reading all five short stories

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