THROUGHOUT THE TERM: Share your folder (=mapje) with me on OneDrive, upload worksheets/activities
Keep track of vocab in practice (write a short paragraph at the beginning of the instruction with the given words, the words are also on the SPELO)
Read book
WEEK 22: Booktest (telt 2x, niet herkansbaar)
- Study notes/PPTs
- Bring the book
WEEK 25: Grammar and Vocab (25%) Reading comprehension (75%)
(telt 3x, 60 min.)
= Bring your dictionary
= Study linking words
= Practice texts are to be found on the SPELO
What you need to know/study (see practice materials on the SPELO):
Vocab list term 4, study both ways (SEE SPELO)
Tenses + irregular verbs
Passive voice
Gerund (=ing-form) and infinitive form
Adverbs & adjectives