1G- Writing - An Informal Letter

1G - Writing - An informal letter
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 13 slides, met tekstslides.

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1G - Writing - An informal letter

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

What do you need this lesson?

- Your student's book
- Your workbook
- Your notebook
- A pen

- Smartphone (on quiet)
- Earbuds/headphones
- Food/drinks (this means water as well)
- Gum
* Bags on the floor

- Jackets/Coats + caps/hats

On your desk:
In your bag (not pockets):
In your locker:

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

What do you always have to do?
Only speak English!

Take notes!
  • Always take a notebook with you to class. 
  • Write down the grammar rules in your notebook.
  • Write other important stuff in your notebook.
No notebook (or an empty one) means that you've forgotten your work.

Vocabulary list
Create a vocabulary list at the end of your notebook. This broadens your vocabulary and helps you remember more. 
Always do your homework + don't forget to bring your homework, books, pen and notebook with you.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Learning goals
  • I can write a letter introducing myself to an exchange student;
  • I know how to start an informal letter;
  • I know how to end an informal letter;
  • I know what rules to follow in an informal letter;

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This lesson:
Student's book (page 11)
  • Informal letter Ex 2 till 7  

Write an informal letter
Practise + real

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Informal letter
What do you already know about writing an informal letter?

Let's create a word web.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Student's book (page 11)
2. Read both letters quickly. Answer the following questions.

- Who are Johana and Pablo writing to?
- Why are they writing? Choose two of the reasons below.
To ask for information            to ask for news         
to give news                              to introduce themselves

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Student's book (page 11)
3. Read the exam task and strategy. How well do Johana and Pablo follow the instructions in the task. 
- What would you do differently?
Don't write the letter yet!

4. Vocabulary. Find the words and expressions in Pablo's letter with similar meaning to the words and expressions. 

5. What differences are there between Johana and Pablo's letters?
Think about: use of paragraphs, sentence structure, variety of vocabulary.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Student's book (page 11)
6. Choose the most appropriate options for an informal letter. There may be more than one possible answer. 

Go back to exercise 3. -----> practise letter

As a British exchange student is coming to stay at your house for a week. Write a letter (120-150 words) to him/her.
- Introduce yourself
- Give some information about your hobbies.
- Give some information about your school.
- Ask about his/her plane times and offer to meet him/her at the airport. 

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Write an informal letter.
Go to exercise 7:
You are going to spend a week at the home of a British exchange student. Write a letter (120-150 words) to him/her.
- Introduce yourself
- Give some information about your hobbies.
- Ask about the town you are going to stay in (size, things to do, etc.)
- Tell him/her about your travel arrangements and ask who will meet you at the airport. 

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

How will I score your letter?
- Use of grammar; ---> 2 points total
- Use of vocabulary; ---> 2 points total
- Use of punctuation; ---> 1 point total
- Spelling; ---> 2 points total
- If you've included all that is required; ---> 2 points total
- Correct length of the letter (120-150 words); ---> 1 point total

10 points in total

You will get a pass or fail for this letter (NB - naar behoren / NNB - niet naar behoren).

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

What have you learned?
  • I can write a letter introducing myself to an exchange student;
  • I know how to start an informal letter;
  • I know how to end an informal letter;
  • I know what rules to follow in an informal letter;

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Write an informal letter. See extra instructions in Magister - Opdrachten

- Send in Magister - ELO - Opdrachten - Informal letter

-  prepositions
- expressions of look

Slide 13 - Tekstslide