in-in, uit-out, naast-beside, voor-in front of, achter-behind, op-on top of, onder-beneath/below boven-aboven, tussen-in between, bij-at, aan-on
De muis-zit-in de doos.
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Prepositions are usually in front of an article or in front of an adjective with a noun. Prepositions can also be behind a noun, then indicating a direction. (Ik viel de sloot in, hij liep de weg op. )
Parts of the verb are not a proposition.
For example, opbellen (to call).
Hij belt mij op. op = geen vz
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
Properties of propositions
They indicate a place, a time or a reason.
Tric: check if you can put the proposition in front of:
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