PEDGRAM: much & many

Much & many

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Slide 1: Tekstslide

In deze les zit 13 slide, met interactieve quiz en tekstslide.

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Much & many

Please take a seat and join the LessonUp.. 

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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- Warm-up 
- Goals 
- Understanding meaning & form 
- Game: ''I'm going shopping for my birthday and I need...''
- A celebrity called! 
- The end; did we meet our goals? 

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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Birthday time! 
- When I celebrated my birthday, there was so much food that I felt sick in the end. 
- Many friends were there as well, they are very kind. 
- We danced because there was so much music around us and a DJ. 
- They left late at night and I got many gifts. 

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Ask the pupils about their birthdays (see the lesson plan) after this, give the rest of the class about two minutes to discuss their recent birthday. After this, tell the class that you are going to share something about your recent birthday. Stress the coloured words. 
many gifts
much music
many friends
much food

Slide 4 - Sleepvraag

The students now match the sentences from your story to the correct picture. 
After this lesson, you will be able to: 

- talk about their birthday, including the amount of presents, friends, and food.

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Share the goals of this lesson and check if the students understand the goal by asking a question and make sure to give meaning to this goals by telling them how they might use it later. 
Birthday time! 
- When I celebrated my birthday, there was so much food that I felt sick in the end. 
- Many friends were there as well, they are very kind. 
- We danced because there was so much music around us. 
- They left late at night and I got many gifts. 

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Guided discovery: Ask the questions about USE, FORM and RULE and let the students discover the final rule by themselves. Note: DO NOT GIVE THE RULE. Just give positive feedback and scaffolding. 
To sum it up: 
Countable words use many 
many friends 
many chocolates 
many gifts 
many cookies 

Uncountable words use much
much time 
much music
much food 
much ice 

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

After the students discovered the rule, repeat it and sum it up in clear sentences. KISS: Keep It Short and Simple
Remember: countable or uncountable?

I need to write ......... invitations! (much/many)

Slide 8 - Open vraag

Let the students answer the question individually 
We also need ........ ice to put in the drinks. (much/many)

Slide 9 - Open vraag

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Cola, pepsi or fanta... we need to get ....... kinds of drinks. (much/many)

Slide 10 - Open vraag

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Game time! 
I'm going shopping for my party and I need........ 

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Gather everyone and sit in a circle. Tell the students you are going to plan a birthday party but you do not know what you need. Start the game by saying ''I am going to plan a party and I need... many friends!'' The student that sits on the right adds something else so that the chain continuos. You can make this exercise more difficult by letting everyone repeat the previous phrases, just like the Dutch game ''Ik ga op vakantie en ik neem mee''. 
A celebrity called! 
Taylor Swift just called! She needs a new party planning committee! She does not know what to do and needs your help! The students will sit in groups and plan Taylor’s birthday party. Taylor said she needs a list of how much/many things she needs for the party. Can you help her? 

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Guide the students through the instruction. Pupils need to make a birthday list for Taylor Swift. They do this in groups of 4. You could do an example first together before you put them to work. They have about 7-10 minutes before the timer ends, after that, they compare lists. 
The end! Did we meet our goal?
Are you able to;

- talk about their birthday, including the amount of presents, friends, and food.

Slide 13 - Poll

The students individually click on the right emoji (left if they did not reach the goal, right if they did). Ask questions about the lesson, what did they like/dislike? Give a final compliment and end the lesson.