Lots of people think most of these street musicians are homeless. Do you think they are all homeless?
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Chucky Deely
Chuck Deely, nicknamed Neil Young of The Hague, was born in 1954 in Detroit, Michigan. He left home at a young age and lived in Germany and Spain before coming to the Netherlands.
For two decades the popular American street musician sat singing and playing his guitar at the Grote Marktstraat in the city center of The Hague or at the train station. He played covers from the Rolling Stones, Neil Young and Bob Dylan as well as his own work. His anthem was ‘Rockin’ in the free world’.
In 2008 the mayor of The Hague grated Chuck with a ‘permit for life’ after a police officer gave him a ticket for playing in the street without a license. Because Chuck had been playing there for many years, people began to raise money to pay this fine.
He passed away at the age of 62.
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The Belfast Busking Band
We're going to watch a video about busking.
What is busking?
'Busking' means playing music on the street.
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A Watching
Now look at ex. 6a on p.134
Taking notes? What does that mean?
What are the benefits(voordelen) of taking notes?
Take out a piece of paper and write down notes while watching the video.
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A Watching
Now read ex.6c
Try and fill in some of the answers with the notes you have taken.
Let's watch the video again.
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ex. 6c
open mic night at the Pavillion
decided to make music together
travelled around making music
multiple instruments
(soprano) saxophone
did a fundraiser once, but not many charity events
they care about musicians, create a good atmosphere
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Talk about the concert.
Team up with a classmate. Have a look at the pictures below. Each of you chooses
a different picture. Imagine you were present at the concert where this picture
was taken. Tell your classmate what the concert was like. Give information about
things such as sound quality, visuals (laser show, props), outfits, concert location
and enthusiasm of the audience. Talk for about one minute each. Take turns.
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Give your ranking
Team up with two other classmates. Have a look at the pictures below. They are
examples of different film genres. Rank the film genres according to your taste
(1 = favourite, 3 = least favourite). Next tell your classmates why you prefer this
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