In how many phases would the Germans defeat the British?
What was the most important British plane?
Name two reasons why the British won.
Why was the British victory so important?
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
Today's aims.
How did Dutch people oppose the German occupation?
How did the liberation of the Netherlands take place?
Why did Hitler want to get rid of the Jews?
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
Some people like Anton Mussert who was the boss of the NSB, helped the Germans. They were called:
Some people like Hannie Schaft who attacked Germans, or helped people in hiding. They were called:
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Last year of the war.
The south of the Netherlands was liberated in september of 1944.
The Allies could not get past Arnhem.
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The last year of the war.
Due to the fighting and the railway strikes, there was a huge shortage of food and fuel in the big Dutch cities.
The winter of 1944-1945 was called the Dutch famine.
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Go to work
10 minutes
Read page 93.
Do exercise 6, 7 and 8 of 5.2 in pairs or in a group of three. You can quietly discus with the person next to you
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The Jews are our public enemies. They do not stop blaspheming our Lord Christ, calling the Virgin Mary a whore and Christ. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do it. They do it often, especially those who pose as doctors—though sometimes they help—for the devil helps to finish it in the end. The Jews administer poison to someone from which he could die in an hour, a month, a year, ten or twenty years. They are able to practice this art
The 16th century.
Martin Luther important in the Church.
Anti jew is called Anti-Semetic.
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Race theory.
Jews got blamed for losing World War I, but also the economic problems, destroying German culture and even the plague.
The Jews were considered to be less important people. The Aryans were the most important.
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In 1942 the Nazi's deceided to kill all the Jews. This is called genocide.
Jews were send to death camps or extermination camps.
Around 6 milion jews were killed. This is called the Holocaust.
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Go to work
Read page 93 and 94.
Do exercise 6, 7and 8 of 5.2 in pairs or in a group of three. You can quietly discus with the person next to you.
Do exercise 1 till 7 of 5.3 in pairs or in a group of three. You can quietly discus with the person next to you.
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Homework check
5.2 question 2 till 8.
pay attention to each other.
do you have a different aswer? Just ask, sometimes there's more than one correct answer.