MYP 2a Sex Education Lesson 1

2a Sex Education
By the end of this unit I will be able to:

Identify healthy and unhealthy relationships behaviours
Understand and respect the spectrum of gender identities 
and sexual orientations
The right to give, or withdraw consent at any time and why this must be respected
Ways to avoid making assumptions and strategies to be used 
to not give or withdraw consent
Understand different types of contraception
Understand the impact of pornography on relationships and self-image
1 / 52
Slide 1: Tekstslide
VerzorgingMBOStudiejaar 2

In deze les zitten 52 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 3 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

Onderdelen in deze les

2a Sex Education
By the end of this unit I will be able to:

Identify healthy and unhealthy relationships behaviours
Understand and respect the spectrum of gender identities 
and sexual orientations
The right to give, or withdraw consent at any time and why this must be respected
Ways to avoid making assumptions and strategies to be used 
to not give or withdraw consent
Understand different types of contraception
Understand the impact of pornography on relationships and self-image

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Ground Rules

Slide 2 - Woordweb

Relationships and your Values
  • What do we mean by the word values?
  •  What values do you think are important in a relationship?
  •  What values would you want in a relationship?

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Values Continuum
Place the statements on a continuum line to show the extent to which you agree or disagree with them

strongly agree                                                                  strongly disagree 

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Slide 5 - Video

Red Flags
  •  Read the following potential relationship red flags
  • Conside whether they are indicators of a coercive                           relationship or could be solved using effective                          communication
Are there any red flags missing from the list?

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Their partner always wants to hang out together and messages to find out what they are doing when they aren't with them
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 7 - Poll

Their partner overreacts to minor things
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 8 - Poll

Their partner blocks important subjects they don't want to talk about
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 9 - Poll

Their partner lies and can't be trusted
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 10 - Poll

Their partner gets too close too soon
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 11 - Poll

Their partner treats them or other people disrespectfully
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 12 - Poll

Their partner makes regular "suggestions" on how to improve their appearance or life
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 13 - Poll

Their partner always wants something from them
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 14 - Poll

Their partner will never accept they're in the wrong - it's never their fault
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 15 - Poll

Their partner is rude about their friends
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 16 - Poll

Their partner manipulates things when they argue so sometimes they feel like they are going mad
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 17 - Poll

They have an intuition or 'gut feeling' that this isn't a healthy relationship
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 18 - Poll

Their partner sends them messages that make them feel uncomfortable
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 19 - Poll

Their partner regularly demands to see their phone to 'prove they have nothing to hide'
can be resolved with effective communication
controlling behaviour

Slide 20 - Poll

Exiting a relationship
give examples for how a person
might start a conversation to appropriately
end a relationship

Slide 21 - Woordweb

Relationship Scenarios
Read the relationship scenarios and highlight behaviours in the following colours :
  •  Red - behaviours which are concerning
  • Orange - anything that is not quite right
  • Green - positive relationship behaviours
For any concerning behaviours you have highlighted, what should the characters do to make sure they are safe?

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Relationship Scenarios: Key Points
Scenario 1
Jamil and Amari have swimming in common which provides a positive way to connect.
Having conversations to figure out what each other is happy with - 'checking in '.
Jamil went to a friends party without inviting Amari.
Amari's upset so they don't go to the swimming gala as agreed.

Scenario 2
Jenna and Harry are already friends which shows they can enjoy time together.
Jenna is rushing Harry into moving faster than he wants to, based on behaviour in previous relationships.

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

Relationship Scenarios: Key Points
Scenario 3
Veeda and Idris have similar values as they share a common culture and faith.
They enjoyed seeing each other at family events.
They discussed and agreed that there will be no intimacy before marriage as this is in-keeping with their culture and faith.
Veeda and Idris want the relationship to move at a different pace. ('It depends' as there is no evidence that they discussed their differences.)
Veeda is being pressured into a (potentially forced) marriage abroad.

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

Relationship Scenarios: Key Points
Scenario 4
Taylor and Addison seem quite happy together.
Taylor gets upset when Addison messages and goes out with friends.
Addison cut down on going out with friends to make Taylor happy. (Note that a reasonable request for a partner to spend a balance of time between friends and their partner is different to stopping seeing or messaging their friends.)
Taylor has taken Addison's phone and was violent towards them.

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

Read the statement on the handout and decide if you agree or disagree with it. If you think it depends, write what you think it would depend on in the middle column on your sheet.
Depends on...

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

Definition Dominoes
  • Match the dominoes (begin with the card that says start)
  • To check the answers, I will nominate a pair to start by reading the right hand term on the card with 'start' on it
  • The next pair will state the definition which matches that key term. If it is right, they read their definition, and so on, until we reach the domino with 'the end' on it

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

Slide 28 - Video

How can people be made
to feel supported when they talk to friends
about their sexual orientation or
gender identity?

Slide 29 - Woordweb

In pairs, summarise everything you know about the concept of consent. You could do this in any format, for example:
  • A short rap
  • a 60 second news bulletin
  • an acrostic poem

Slide 30 - Tekstslide

What is Consent?
Consent is an agreement by choice made by someone with the 

freedom                 and capacity to consent
the choice must be made without pressure
the person must be able to make the choice, e.g. be old enough, and in a clear state of mind

Slide 31 - Tekstslide

Assumption Statements 
In groups, discuss the statement and make notes on the following questions:

  • Do you agree with the statement? why/why not? 
  • If the first part of the statement is true, does that mean the second part must be true? why/why not?
  • How do you think each person in the situation is feeling right now?
  • What do you think might happen next?
when you have noted your responses to the first statement, pass your sheet to the next group

Slide 32 - Tekstslide

Please enter a phrase or response that someone could use to not give, or to withdraw, consent

Slide 33 - Open vraag

How true is this comment?
It's OK to watch porn, everyone does it.
Discuss the comment in pairs for 3 minutes

Class vote

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

What impact could watching pornography have on a young person?

Slide 35 - Open vraag

Some impacts...
Studies have shown that when children and young people are exposed to sexually explicit material, they are at greater risk of developing:

• unrealistic attitudes about sex and consent

• more negative attitudes towards roles and identities in


• more casual attitudes towards sex and sexual relationships

• an increase in ‘risky’ sexual behaviour

• unrealistic expectations of body image and performance

Slide 36 - Tekstslide

What do you think the gender ratio of viewing pornography might be?

Slide 37 - Open vraag

Some stats...
Significant gender differences were observed in young people aged 11-16 during research conducted by the Children’s Commissioner, NSPCC and Middlesex University. 

Boys reported a higher frequency of exposure to pornography (56%) 
than girls (40%). 

It also explored whether young people had ever seen pornography, 
whether intentionally, or not. 

If looking at their intentional seeking of pornography, 
then the gender differences are wider with 59% 
of boys reportedly doing so compared to 25% of girls.

Slide 38 - Tekstslide

"I think that if people watch porn [young] and then in the future in relationships they might think people are always ‘up for it’ and relationships are all about having sex when actually it’s about love.”

Young Person. Childnet Focus Group

Slide 39 - Tekstslide

Slide 40 - Link

Beth "Is this what is expected of me?"
In pairs answer the following questions:
1. How easy is it to avoid the pressure to see something you don't want to see?
2. Is it okay to go ahead and share pornographic images with your friends?
3. Beth says that she looks nothing like the women in porn. Do you think that people in pornographic images represent a truthful image of real bodies?
4. Beth says that the other girls remain silent when porn is shown. Why would someone choose to remain silent and not speak up?

Slide 41 - Tekstslide

Sadie "Let's get real"
In pairs answer the following questions:
1. Sadie says that, ‘Everyone goes along with it and watches pornography.’ Do you think this is true and if so, why?
2. Sadie’s not afraid to speak her mind but gets called ‘frigid’ as a result. Do you think it’s fair that she gets called this?
3. Sadie talks about her friend who is trying to figure out their sexuality and watches gay porn. Why might someone see pornography as the best place to explore sexuality?
4. Unlike Sadie, many people might be confused and think that pornography is real. What could be the impact of this belief?

Slide 42 - Tekstslide

Ryan "What's the big deal?"

In pairs answer the following questions:
1. Ryan says he started looking at pornography when he was 11. At what age do you think young people might first see a pornographic image or video? Is it usually accidentally or intentionally?
2. Ryan says that pornography is everywhere and that everyone will see it at some point. How true do you think this statement is?
3. What kind of influence or impact could pornography have on a relationship?
4. According to Ryan, he’s learnt everything he needs to know about sex from watching pornography. Do you agree with Ryan that we can learn about sex from pornography?

Slide 43 - Tekstslide

watching pornography is a good way to learn about sex and relationships
The bodies shown in pornography are what you can expect from future partners
Women are 'always up for it' just like in pornography
Pornography degrades women as it shows them as sex objects
Watching pornography is bad for you
Pornography uses actors
Sex in pornography is the same as sex in real life
Watching pornography when you are young will affect your future relationships
Watching pornography is just a bit of fun and helps boost your body image and self
More males watch pornography than females
Pornography uses real people and real stories
Pornography only shows men as dominant
Women like to be treated as they are in pornography
You will only feel confident about your body if it looks similar to people in pornography

Slide 44 - Sleepvraag

What would make up a stereotypical male and
female actor in pornography?

Slide 45 - Woordweb

Do you think someone would be affected by seeing these stereotypes of bodies?
What impact could this have on someone in the future?

Slide 46 - Tekstslide

Read through your scenario
1. What strategies could be used to resist peer pressure in this situation?

2. How could someone say no?


Slide 47 - Tekstslide

Complete the table in as much detail as you can, based on your current knowledge and understanding.

Slide 48 - Tekstslide

Slide 49 - Video

Further Resources...
Your GP/Huisarts

Slide 50 - Tekstslide

And of course you can always speak with...
Nurse Rachel
Ms Kirsty

Slide 51 - Tekstslide

Take 5 minutes to think of any questions you may have regarding todays lesson
Write them here anonymously and next week
we will attempt to answer them.

Slide 52 - Open vraag