In deze les zitten 18 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 4 videos.
Lesduur is: 50 min
Onderdelen in deze les
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
You will learn more about the history of carnival
You will be able to describe Dutch carnival in English
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
What do you know about carnival?
Slide 3 - Woordweb
Slide 4 - Video
Why did they celebrate carnival in Egypt?
To celebrate the start of Lent
To be able to dress up
To celebrate the fact that it is winter
To celebrate the fact that winter is over
Slide 5 - Quizvraag
What does "Carne Vale" mean?
Slide 6 - Open vraag
How many tourists came to Rio to celebrate carnival in 2016 and how much money did they spend?
Slide 7 - Open vraag
Name at least five countries where carnival is celebrated
Slide 8 - Woordweb
Slide 9 - Video
What does double Dutch mean?
Slide 10 - Open vraag
How did people celebrate carnival in medieval times?
Slide 11 - Open vraag
What did the people of 's Hertogenbosch do when their mayor tried to ban carnival?
Slide 12 - Open vraag
Let's see how well you know carnival music.
You'll see part of a translated carnival song. Write down the name of the artist and title of the song.
Slide 13 - Tekstslide
Prepare for the worst, be well prepared Keep your head above water in these turbulent times Because later on it will happen It is once and never again The sky will suddenly open up
Slide 14 - Open vraag
Slide 15 - Video
This sounds strangely good, that will become a party All of us, let's sing Once a year all brakes go off My wife is at home on the couch while I am ...
Slide 16 - Open vraag
Slide 17 - Video
Goal achieved
Hopefully you will now be able to help confused tourists when they come to the Netherlands during carnival times.
Use the remaining time to prepare for your test of tomorrow!