Letter of complaint

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

In deze les zitten 10 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

A letter of complaint
Dear Sam,
I’m writing on behalf of myself and my flatmates about Number 32 Acacia Avenue as we’ve
been having problems with the electricity.

We noticed that if we use more than one appliance at night when the lights are on, the power
cuts out. This means that we can’t use the dishwasher at the same time as the oven, for
example. For a while we have been careful but recently we have found that even in the
daytime, more than one machine running can cause a power cut. Occasionally, the power cuts
out for no obvious reason.

We know the electrician who came before couldn’t find anything wrong, but please can
someone come again as the problem is getting worse? If it would be easier, we can arrange
an electrician ourselves and send you the bill.

Kind regards,

Slide 2 - Tekstslide


    - To email someone who's not a friend, use a neutral style and polite tone.
   -  Start the email with Dear … , not Hi. End it with Kind regards or just Regards.
    - Organise your email in three paragraphs:
        why you're writing
        the problem
        what you want the solution to be

   - Keep it short and simple. Only include the important information.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Match the definitions with the right vocabulary
a. someone you share a flat with

b. for someone you share a flat with

c. (for an electrical item) to stop working suddenly

d. to be working or using electricity

e. to make something happen

f. sometimes

g. the owner of a flat or house that is rented

h. an electrical item for the home, like a washing machine or an iron
1. ...... on behalf of someone
2. ...... occasionally
3. ...... a flatmate
4. ...... to run
5. ...... to cause something
6. ...... to cut out
7. ...... a landlord or landlady
8. ...... an (electrical) appliance

Slide 4 - Sleepvraag

1. Which option has the right style and tone?
Dear Mike,
Hey Mike,
Yo Mike!

Slide 5 - Quizvraag

2. Which option has the right style and tone?
The Wi-Fi’s stopped working – yet again!
We’ve been having problems with the Wi-Fi.
The wireless internet service is, regrettably, malfunctioning.
Fix the Wi-Fi. It sucks!

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

3. Which option has the right style and tone?
Send a technician ASAP.
Please can you send someone to have a look?
We would be profoundly grateful if it is possible to arrange for a technician to visit.
Fix it pls.

Slide 7 - Quizvraag

4. Which option has the right style and tone?
We can call the internet company ourselves, OK?
We are prepared to, if necessary, communicate with the internet company to arrange for a technician to visit.
If it would be easier, we can arrange it ourselves with the internet company.
Just get it done.

Slide 8 - Quizvraag

Put the sentences in the right order to write an email
We’ve been having problems with the central heating since last week.
I’m writing on behalf of myself and my flatmates about Flat 12, 3 Hanley Place.
Kind regards,
The radiators in the kitchen and living room aren’t working at all. Also, the
radiators in the bedrooms feel cold at the bottom.
Please can you send someone to have a look at them? If it would be easier, we
can call a plumber ourselves and send you the bill.
Dear Lisa

Slide 9 - Sleepvraag

Today's assignment
You are at school and find out you have an unexpected test. You hadn't been able to properly prepare for it, but you had to do it anyway. You and your classmates fear that you will get a bad grade now, so you decide to email your teacher with a complaint.

In the email you:
- Describe the situation.
- write why it would not be fair if the test results would count
- Write what you think the best solution would be.

Hand in via e-mail before the end of class.

Slide 10 - Tekstslide