WK5: Introduction to Git with VS Code (Session 2)

Welcome to Week 5
Introduction to Git with VS Code
Module Lecturer: Dr Raghav Kovvuri
Email: raghav.kovvuri@ieg.ac.uk

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Welcome to Week 5
Introduction to Git with VS Code
Module Lecturer: Dr Raghav Kovvuri
Email: raghav.kovvuri@ieg.ac.uk

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What is Git? (1) 
Version control system for tracking changes in code
  • Like a time machine for your project
Integrated into VS Code for easy use
  • No need to leave your coding environment
Allows collaboration and managing different versions
  • Multiple people can work on the same project without conflicts
Why use Git?
  • Track changes over time
  • Experiment with new features safely
  • Collaborate with others effectively

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Key concepts:
  • Repository: Project folder tracked by Git
  • Commit: Snapshot of your project at a specific point in time
  • Branch: Independent line of development
What is Git? (2) 
VS Code: Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with built-in Git 
GitHub: Web-based platform for hosting Git repositories and collaboration
Today's goal: Create a simple Python calculator operation with version control

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Create GitHub account:
  • Go to https://github.com/
  • Click "Sign up" and follow the registration process
  • Choose a professional username as it will be visible in your projects

Verifying Git installation in VS Code:
  1. Open VS Code
  2. View > Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on macOS)
  3. Type "Git: Show Git Output"
  4. You should see Git version information

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Creating a Project in VS Code
  1. Launch VS Code
  2. File > New Window (Ctrl+Shift+N or Cmd+Shift+N on macOS)
  3. File > Open Folder
  4. Create a new folder named "calculator_project"
  5. Select the folder and click "Select Folder"
Creating our Python file:
  1. In VS Code explorer (left sidebar), click "New File" icon
  2. Name the file "calculator.py"
  3. Add the following code:

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Initializing Git in VS Code
  1. Open Command Palette: View > Command Palette
  2. Type "Git: Initialize Repository"
  3. Select the project folder "calculator_project"

What happens when you initialize a Git repository:
  • Creates a hidden .git folder to store repository data
  • Begins tracking changes in your project files

Observing Git integration in VS Code:
  1. Notice the Source Control icon in the left sidebar (branch-like icon)
  2. Click on the Source Control icon
  3. You should see "calculator.py" under "Changes"
Three states of Git:
Modified: Changes made but not yet staged
Staged: Changes marked for inclusion in the next commit
Committed: Changes safely stored in the local repository

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Making Your First Commit in VS Code (1)
Staging changes:
  • In the Source Control view, notice "calculator.py" under "Changes"
  • Hover over the file and click the "+" icon to stage changes
            > This moves the file to the "Staged Changes" section
Writing a commit message:
  • In the text box at the top of the Source Control view, enter a descriptive message:
  • "Initial commit: Add calculator with add and subtract functions"
Best practices for commit messages:
  • Be concise but descriptive, 
  • Use present tense: "Add feature" instead of "Added feature"
  • Limit the first line to 50 characters

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Committing changes:
  1. Click the checkmark icon (✓) above the commit message box, or
  2. Use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Enter (Cmd+Enter on macOS)
After committing:
  • The "Changes" section should be empty
  • You've created your first Git commit!
Viewing commit history:
  1. In Source Control view, click on the "..." menu
  2. Select "View History" to see your commit
Making Your First Commit in VS Code (2)

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Branching in VS Code (1)
What is a branch?
  • A separate line of development
  • Allows you to work on features or experiments without affecting the main codebase
Creating a new branch:
  1. Click on the branch name in the bottom left corner of VS Code (should say "main")
  2. Select "Create new branch" from the dropdown
  3. Name the new branch "multiply-feature"
  4. VS Code will automatically switch to the new branch

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Adding a new feature in the branch:
  1. Open calculator.py
  2. Add the following code at the end of the file:
3. Save the file
Committing changes in the new branch:
  1. Stage the changes (click "+" next to calculator.py in Source Control view)
  2. Enter commit message: "Add multiplication function"
  3. Click the checkmark to commit
Branching in VS Code (2)

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Merging Branches in VS Code
What is merging?
  • Combining changes from one branch into another
  • Typically used to integrate completed features into the main codebase
Merging our "multiply-feature" branch:
1. Switch back to the main branch:
  • Click branch name in bottom left
  • Select "main" from the dropdown
2. Open Command Palette (View > Command Palette)
3. Type "Git: Merge Branch" and select it
4. Choose "multiply-feature" from the branch list

You should now see the multiply function in the main branch
Observing the merge: You should now see the multiply function in the main branch

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Connecting to GitHub (1)
What is GitHub?
  • Web-based platform for hosting Git repositories
  • Provides collaboration features like pull requests and issue tracking
  • Offers visibility for your projects and contributions
Creating a new repository on GitHub:
  1. Go to https://github.com/ and log in
  2. Click the "+" icon in the top right, select "New repository"
  3. Name it "calculator_project"
  4. Choose "Public" or "Private" (Public allows anyone to see your code)
  5. Do not initialize with README, .gitignore, or license
  6. Click "Create repository"

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Connecting your local repository to GitHub in VS Code:
  1. On GitHub, copy the repository URL
  2. In VS Code, open Command Palette
  3. Type "Git: Add Remote" and select it
  4. Paste the GitHub repository URL
  5. Name the remote "origin" (this is the conventional name for the primary remote)
Understanding remotes:
  • A remote is a version of your repository hosted on the internet
  • You can have multiple remotes, but "origin" typically refers to the main GitHub repository
  • Remotes allow you to backup your code and collaborate with others
Connecting to GitHub (2)

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Pushing to GitHub (1)
What is pushing?
  • Uploading your local commits to a remote repository (like GitHub)
  • Allows you to backup your work and share it with others
Pushing your code to GitHub:
  1. In VS Code's Source Control view, click on the "..." menu
  2. Select "Push" or "Publish Branch" if it's your first push

If it's your first time pushing to GitHub from VS Code:
  • You may be prompted to sign in to GitHub
  • Follow the prompts to authorize VS Code

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Pushing to GitHub (2)
After pushing:
  1. Visit your GitHub repository in a web browser
  2. You should see your calculator.py file and commit history

Best practices for pushing:
  • Push regularly to keep your remote repository up-to-date
  • Always pull before you push to avoid conflicts
  • Be cautious about pushing sensitive information (use .gitignore for this)

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Making Changes on GitHub
Why edit on GitHub?
  • Quick fixes or small changes
  • Editing documentation (like README files)
  • Collaborating with others who might not have local access

Adding a division function on GitHub:
  1. On your GitHub repository page, click on calculator.py
  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the file
  3. Add the following code at the end of the file:
4. Scroll down to "Commit changes"
5. Enter a commit message: "Add division function with error handling"
6. Click "Commit changes"
Understanding GitHub's web interface:
  • Editing files directly on GitHub creates commits
  • These commits are now ahead of your local repository
  • You'll need to pull these changes to update your local code

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Pulling Changes in VS Code
What is pulling?
  • Downloading changes from a remote repository to your local repository
  • Keeps your local repository up-to-date with changes made by you or others on GitHub
Pulling the new changes:
  1. In VS Code, click the Sync button in the status bar (two circular arrows), or
  2. Open Command Palette and type "Git: Pull"
What happens during a pull:
  1. Git fetches the changes from the remote repository
  2. It then merges these changes into your current branch
After pulling:
  1. Open calculator.py in VS Code
  2. You should now see the division function you added on GitHub

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Creating a README on GitHub
What is a README?
  • A file that introduces and explains a project
  • Usually in Markdown format (.md)
Key elements to include:
  • Project title and description
  • Installation and usage instructions
  • Contributing guidelines
  • License information
How to create:
  1. In your GitHub repository, click "Add file" > "Create new file"
  2. Name it "README.md"
  3. Write content using Markdown
  4. Commit the new file

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Discussion - Forking and Cloning
Task: Watch "Forking and Cloning in Git and GitHub" 
Discussion Points:
  • What is forking? When would you use it?
  • What is cloning? How is it different from forking?
  • How do you contribute to an open-source project using fork and clone?
Submit to 

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Conclusion and Next Steps
Key Takeaways:
  • Git tracks code changes and facilitates collaboration
  • GitHub provides a platform for sharing and collaborating on Git repositories
  • VS Code integrates with Git and GitHub for a streamlined workflow
Next Steps:
  1. Practice Git in your personal projects
  2. Explore advanced Git features
  3. Contribute to open-source projects

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