2.4 The Netherlands during the interbellum

2.4 Netherlands 1918-1939
A segregated country in crisis
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2.4 Netherlands 1918-1939
A segregated country in crisis

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Consequences of the stock market crash

Slide 2 - Woordweb

  • 1929: New York stock market crash -> stock market collapses!
  • global crisis
  • Germany hit especially hard
  • high unemployment in the US and Europe
  • The Netherlands also faces this economic crisis in the 1930s....

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

This lesson:
  • 1919 universal suffrage for women
  • pillarisation of the Netherlands
  • consequences of the crisis in the 1930s
  • adaptation policy Colijn government
  • unemployed - voting - provision of work
  • Extreme right: NSB
  • neutrality policy 1930s

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Concepts in this lesson:
  • right to vote
  • universal suffrage
  • pillarisation
  • 1930s crisis
  • stamping
  • undeclared work
  • adjustment policy
  • employment projects
  • NSB
  • neutrality policy

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

1917 -> new constitution
  • universal suffrage for men: right to vote.
  • Confessional parties get most votes -> government
  • Socialists are kept out

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=> the Netherlands is divided into separate groups based on religion or political beliefs

=> each group is a "pillar"

=> 4 pillars: Catholics, Protestants, Socialists and Liberals

=> groups live separated from each other, little contact between them

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4 zuilen
  1. Katholieken
  2. Protestanten
  3. Socialisten
  4. Liberalen

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1930s->Crisis in the Netherlands
  • The Netherlands is hit hard by the crisis, with trade with the US and Germany coming to a virtual standstill.
  • Many companies and factories have to close down.
  • Between 1929 and 1935, unemployment rises from 22,000 to 500,000
  • They receive a small allowance from the government and were under strict control 

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Slide 11 - Woordweb

Unemployed in the 30s.
  • only unemployed people aged between 21 and 60 receive the support allowance
  • unemployed through no fault of their own, no work due to the crisis worldwide
  • For this, they have to queue twice a day to stamp: a card on which you collected stamps to show that you really weren't working
  • This is mainly to prevent undeclared work and fraud
  • job creation projects were set up to do something about unemployment anyway...compulsory heavy physical work often

Slide 12 - Tekstslide


Slide 13 - Woordweb

Colijn: prime minister in the crisis years of the 1930s
  • He became prime minister of the Netherlands in 1933 as leader of the ARP(a predecessor of the CDA)

His solution to the crisis: =>Adjustment policy

=> Government does not spend more money than comes in = adjustment

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Nationaal Socialistische Beweging (NSB)

Slide 15 - Woordweb

The NSB-> National Socialist Movement
  • crisis -> fascism in Italy, Nazis in Germany
  • also in NL: the NSB, the extreme right
  • Leader: Anton Mussertc (photo)
  • promised to end unemployment, just like the Nazis in Dld.
  • The NSB gained many members only after the German occupation. Before that, they got only 4% of the vote -> due to pillarisation, people only vote for their own party.

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Slide 17 - Video

Slide 18 - Video

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Netherlands mobilises
November 1939

  • The Dutch government pursued the neutrality policy: the government wants to remain neutral, as it did during World War I. The Netherlands does not have a state-of-the-art army and thus hopes not to have to fight.
  • In 1939, the army still mobilises, as a precaution....

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

Slide 21 - Video

Slide 22 - Video

Slide 23 - Video

Slide 24 - Video