Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

In deze les zitten 55 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

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Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 22 April
1. Getting started with the unit
- Unit about hobbies and free time
- Quizlet list 
- PDF from book 

2. Reading exercise: Hobbies

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Getting started with the unit...
Before we start with the unit...
1. Make a new folder in your Dutch B folder with the name : Unit 4 - My free time and hobbies

2. Make sure there is already 1 Google Document in the folder: 
-  'Classwork' --> Document for little tasks we do in the lesson 

3. Quizlet: New vocabulary list

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 26 April
1. Koningsdag

2. Reading exercises: My hobbies
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Het Koningshuis
Prinses Beatrix

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

De koning en zijn familie bezoeken een stad
Boten varen

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

De vrijmarkt
538 Festival in Breda

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Het Koningsontbijt
De Koningsspelen

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

De tompouce
De bitterballen

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 29 April
1. Vocabulary: Voetballen en schilderen

2. Reading exercise 

3. Speaking exercise: Present your favourite hobby 
- Draw a word web/word cloud about your favourite hobby
- Explain why this is your favourite hobby
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 10 - Tekstslide


Slide 11 - Woordweb


Slide 12 - Woordweb

Lesson plan: 17 May
1. Speaking exercise: Mijn vrije tijd in de vakantie 
--> Tell me 3 things you did in the holiday in Dutch

2. Reading exercise: vrije tijd + vocabulary exercise (puzzle) 

3. Done? Add the words to the Quizlet list! 
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 18 May
1. Correction reading exercise: vrije tijd + vocabulary exercise (puzzle) 

2. Listening exercise: Het Eurovisie songfestival 

3. Speaking exercise: Zoek de verschillen

Done? Quizlet
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Listening exercise: Eurovisie songfestival
1. Wanneer wordt het Eurovisiesongfestival gehouden?
2. Hoeveel landen doen er mee aan het Eurovisiesongfestival?
3. Waar vindt het songfestival plaats?
4. Welke veranderingen zijn er door het coronavirus? 
5. Wanneer werd het eerste Eurovisiesongfestival gehouden?
6. Hoe vaak heeft Nederland het Eurovisiesongfestival gewonnen?
7. Wie won in 2019 voor Nederland? 
8. Waarom hoeft Jeangu Macrooy niet mee te doen aan de voorrondes?
9. Welk liedje uit deze video vond jij het leukste? 

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 19 May
1. Correction reading exercise: vrije tijd + vocabulary exercise (puzzle) 

2. Extra vocabulary exercises 

Done? Speaking exercise 'Zoek de verschillen'
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 20 May
1. Correction extra vocabulary exercises

2.  Exercise 5: Wat doe je in je vrije tijd?

3. Done? Quizlet! 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 25 May
1. Correction extra vocabulary 
--> Exercise 5

2.  Grammar: Future
--> Exercise 7 + 8 

3. Done? Quizlet! 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 27 May
1. Correction exercises

2. Vocabulary: Beroepen
- Exercise 9 + 10

3. Gimkit: Vocabulary

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 31 May - MYP3
1. Spreekoefening: Interviews (future tense) 

2. Vocabulary: Beroepen
- Exercise 9 - 10 - 11 (12) pg 12 - 14

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 1 juni - MYP3
1. Rehearsal: Beroepen

2. Vocabulary: Beroepen
- Correction exercise 9 + 10 + 11 pg 12 
- Exercise 12 - 15 pg 13 - 16

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 21 - Tekstslide


Slide 22 - Woordweb

Lesson plan: 7 juni 
1.  Correction vocabulary exercises: Beroepen
- Correction exercise 12 - 15 pg 13 - 16

2. Grammar: 'aan het + infinitief'

3. Done? Exercise 17 pg 18
--> Fill in and interview your neighbour
Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 9 juni 
1.  Exercise 17 pg 18
--> Finish the interview with your neighbour 

2. Phase 1 + 2: 
Writing exercise: email 
Phase 3:
Listening exercise: Pokémon

3. Done? Quizlet 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 10 juni 
1.  Phase 3: Finish listening exercise + writing exercise 

Phase 2: Finish listening exercise 

Phase 1: www.nedbox.be

Done? Quizlet

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 16 juni 
1.  Listening exercise: Snoep

2. Study the vocabulary: Quizlet

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

Listening exercise: Snoep
1. Why are people eating more candy since Corona?
2. Which candy was sold less since Corona? And why?
3. What tricks do candy makers use to make us eat more candy?
4. Why is a lot of candy red? 
5. What candy is typical Dutch? 
6. Give 3 examples of other things you can do with candy. 
7. What is your favourite candy? Explain why.
8. Do you like drop? Explain why.

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 17 juni 
1.  Formative: Vocabulary

2. Exercise 4 + 5 pg 20 - 21 (PDF My free time and hobbies)
- Reading exercise
- Speaking exercise 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 28 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 22 juni 
1.  Correction exercise 4 pg 20-21 (PDF my free time and hobbies)

2. Exercise 5 pg 20 - 21 
--> Speaking exercise

Done? Exercise 13 pg 25 - 26 PDF

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 29 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 23 juni 
1. Listening exercise: Hobbies

2. Speaking exercise: How often?   

3. Writing exercise: My hobbies

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 30 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 24 juni 
1. Correction writing exercise: My hobbies

2. What time is it? --> Talking about time in Dutch

3. Reading exercise 16 pg 17 of the PDF 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 31 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 29 juni - MYP3
1. Listening exercise: Hobbies

2. Speaking exercise: How often?   

3. What time is it? --> Talking about time in Dutch 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 32 - Tekstslide

Talking about frequency

Weleens? - Sometimes? 
Ooit? - Ever? 
Nooit - Never
Nog nooit - Never before
Bijna nooit - Almost never
Zelden - Rarely

Soms - Sometimes
Af en toe - Occasionally 
... keer per ... - ... times a ...
Vaak - Often
Meestal - Mostly
Bijna altijd - almost always
altijd - always

Slide 33 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 30 juni  - MYP4
1. Speaking exercise 18 + 19

2. Listening exercise 20

3. Writing exercise 21 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 6 juli  - MYP3
1. Writing exercise 21 

2. Grammar: trappen van vergelijking (Degrees of comparison) 
- Exercise 23 
- Exercise 24 

3. Done? Reading exercise 

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 35 - Tekstslide

Trappen van vergelijking
Small - smaller - smallest 
Klein - kleiner - kleinste 

Comparative: adjectief + -er + dan
Leuk - leuker
Ik ben leuker dan jij 
Pay attention: Spelling
Hoog - hoger
Dun - dunner
Lief - liever
Lekker - lekkerder

Hij is kleiner dan zijn broer  
Ik heb een kleinere broer dan jij  (de)
Ik heb een kleiner huis dan jij (het) 

Superlatief: adjectief + ste 
Leuk - leukste
Ik ben de leukste thuis 
Hij is de jongste van de klas

Slide 36 - Tekstslide

Trappen van vergelijking: onregelmatige woorden
Goed - beter - beste
Veel - meer - meeste
Weinig - minder - minste
Graag - liever - liefste 

Slide 37 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 5 juli  - MYP3
1. Correction reading exercise: Amalia

2. Speaking exercise 18 

3. Listening exercise 20 + 21

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 38 - Tekstslide

Lesson plan: 5 juli  - MYP4
1. Reading exercise 27 

2. Done? Practise reading on www.nt2taalmenu.nl

Unit 4: My free time and hobbies

Inquiry question: What do I do in my free time?

Slide 39 - Tekstslide


Slide 40 - Tekstslide

playing basketball

Slide 41 - Tekstslide

Playing computer games

Slide 42 - Open vraag


Slide 43 - Tekstslide


Slide 44 - Open vraag


Slide 45 - Open vraag

watching film

Slide 46 - Open vraag

Playing the guitar

Slide 47 - Open vraag

Slide 48 - Open vraag


Slide 49 - Open vraag

In my home I ........................

Slide 50 - Open vraag

Out of my home I ........................

Slide 51 - Open vraag

What do you do in your free time?

Slide 52 - Open vraag

Write 4-5 sentences about your partner?

Slide 53 - Open vraag

Are they talking about
school activites
free time activities

Slide 54 - Poll

Are they talking about .......
School activities
Free time activities

Slide 55 - Quizvraag