Lesson 4 period 8

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2,3

In deze les zitten 34 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 2 videos.

Onderdelen in deze les


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From 08:30-10:30 we speak English, also to each other.

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General school rules
• Be on time at the start of the lesson, bring your laptop, books, clothing and materials with you.
• Show respect for your fellow students, the staff of the school, the building and environment. 
•  Mobile phones are not visible and are on silent mode during lessons.
•  Together we make sure that our school is safe and clean.
• We only eat and drink in the designated areas in school. In class you can drink water. Students take responsibility themselves for their laptops.
• In school/class our faces are recognizable so this means no wearing of caps, hats and helmets in the school.
• Only with permission of the person(s) involved we take pictures or film each other.

Professional attitude

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Today's programme
- look back at last week's lesson

- writing exam

- hospitality video exercise

- writing a review

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Week 11
16 May
Introduction to this period and writing
Week 2
23 May
Introduction to this period and writing
Week 3
30 May
Visit from Spanish teachers
Europass and working online
Week 4
6 June
Europass and letter of motivation
Week 5
13 June
Europass and letter of motivation
Week 6
20 June
Writing (reading/listening) exam preparation
Week 7
27 June
Writing (reading/listening) exam preparation
Week 8
4 July
Writing (reading/listening) exam preparation
Week 9
 8-12 July
Writing exam A2
Reading exam B1
Listening exam B1

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Look back at last week's lesson

working on writing plan & letter of motivation
Send your work for feedback

Testweek 8-12 July
Writing A2
Reading B1
Listening B1

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Writing an email
Tips & tricks

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How to start
Is it formal?
Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear Mr. Smith,
Dear Mrs. Hopkins
Dear Miss Ward

Not sure if the lady is married or unmarried? Use Ms

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

How to start
Is it informal?

Dear Sam,
Hi Anna,

Always use a blank line before starting your letter

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Content of your formal & informal email.

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Paragraph 1: short intro; why are you writing?
(I am writing you to express my dismay...)

Paragraph 2: get to the point, why are you writing? Explain and be specific and clear
(Firstly, we did not receive the treatment we asked for...)

Paragraph 3: closure, end your letter in a professional way .
( Thank you for your consideration and I hope to hear from you soon.)

Paragraph 1: short introduction as to why you are writing.
(How are you? It's  been such a long time..)

Paragraph 2: get to the point, say what you want to.
 (I would like to invite you to our family home this summer.)

Paragraph 3: closure, end your letter appropriately.
 ( I hope to see you again soon!)

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Closure, how to end your email.

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When you know the name of the receiving party 

Yours sincerely,
Tim de Vries

When you do not know the name of the receiving party

Yours faithfully,
Petra de Kok

Best wishes,


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Tips & tricks
Writing dates: 20 June, 2024

Always start your sentences with capital letters, just like names, places and I

In formal emails it is not allowed to use contractions like 'isn't, hasn't' etc.
 Just write 'is not, has not' etc.

Always make use of paragraphs in your emails(at least 3; introduction, body, closure)

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You are writing an email to Mevrouw Smith (not married).
How do you start?
Dear Mrs Smith,
Dear Miss Smith,
Dear Ms Smith,
Dear Mr Smith,

Slide 15 - Quizvraag

You are writing an email to Mevrouw Smith (you don't know is she is married).
How do you start?
Dear Ms Smith,
Dear Miss Smith,
Dear Mr Smith,
Dear Mrs Smith

Slide 16 - Quizvraag

You are writing an email to Mevrouw Smith (married).
How do you start?
Dear Mrs Smith,
Dear Miss Smith,
Dear Mr Smith,
Dear Ms Smith,

Slide 17 - Quizvraag

You know the name of the person of which you have been writing to (formal). How do you end?
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,

Slide 18 - Quizvraag

You don't know the name of the person of which you have been writing to (formal). How do you end?
Yours faithfully,
Yours sincerely,
Bye bye!

Slide 19 - Quizvraag


- formal letter start: Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mrs Smith, Dear Miss Smith, etc.
  formal letter end: Yours faithfully, OR Yours sincerely,

- informal letter start: Dear Peter, Hello Samira, etc.
  informal letter end: Bye,  All the best, etc. 

- Always use capital I (at the start, middle, end --> always!)
- Make sure you use your tenses consequently
- Make use of paragraphs (at least three)
- Use appropriate tone (We're --> we are)

Always include ALL the bulletpoints of the exercise

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Option 1: working online on NuEngels and prepare for your exams

 Reading and listening exam practice: https://oefenen.facet.onl/verhuisd.html

Option 2: video exercise TED-talk high-quality restaurant

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

high-quality restaurant

Slide 22 - Woordweb

Exercise 2
We are now going to watch the first 26 seconds of a Ted Talk.

 After these 26 seconds I will stop the video and ask you what do you think this video will be about?

What will be the goal of the speaker? What does he want to achieve by doing this Ted Talk you think?

While watching I want you to write down verbs that have to do with the restaurant industry

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

Slide 24 - Video

Exercise 1

You are going to create your own questions in groups after seeing this video. They have to be multiple choice or yes/no.

Also make an answering sheet, because another group is going to take this quiz.

Exercise 2

You are going to make a mindmap/schedule/woordweb about this video.

Take notes while watching and when the video is over you can organise your work.

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Present your results, how did it go?
How did you co-operate?
What did you learn?
What would you do differently next time?

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

writing a review

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writing a review about a restaurant summary

Points that should be included in your review:

- introduction with the name of the place
- the location
- something about how you experienced the service
- your opinion about the place WITH arguments
- conclusion

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Review topics
- books
- films
- games
- stores

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Slide 31 - Video

Exercise: writing a review

- You will be writing another review now.

* choose your topic (film, series, book or game)
* write a review about it and make sure to use the points that should be included in the review (opinion, arguments and recommendation)

Your writing should be at least 150 words. After you have finished you can send the review to me so that I can give you some feedback.

Good luck!

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Working online
You can work online

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