Reading/ Homework discussion/ Prepare for test

Thursday, March 13th
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 6

In deze les zitten 10 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 70 min

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Thursday, March 13th

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

- 10 minutes of silent reading
- Homework check and discussion
- Get ready for your test on unit 5 + 7B

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Today's goals
1. You expand your vocabulary and strengthen your reading skills.
2. You can distinguish the use of the past simple and the present perfect.
3. You are ready for your test tomorrow.

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Read your novel

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Homework check:

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Homework discussion:
Turn to WB p. 67

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What to expect on your test?
- Future 'will' and future 'going to': fill in the gap
- First conditional: fill in the gap(s) 
- Second condition: fill in the gap(s)
- Complete a sentence with the second conditional (SB p. 76, exercise 6)
- Fill in the correct prefix (SB p. 57, Learn this! box)
- Translate words from Dutch to English (Wordlist unit 5)
- Which jobs are described?
- Explain words in English
- Which jobs are shown? (Similar assignment to one with pictures + genre films/ series)
- Reading -> See Magister Agenda March 13 for practice assignments!

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Get ready for your test!
- Use the document in the Magister Agenda (March 14) to prepare for your test on unit 5 and 7B.
- Study unit 5 vocabulary, for example with the help of Quizlet or Blooket.

Looking for something else?
- Work on Reading, WB p. 69 ex. 1 - 2 - 3
- Read your novel
- Work on Route 2

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Have you reached today's goals?
1. I expanded my vocabulary and strengthened my reading skills.
2. I can distinguish the use of the past simple and the present perfect.
3. I am ready for my test tomorrow!

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