Lesson 9 Comparatives & superlatives

Welcome to English class!
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Slide 1: Tekstslide

In deze les zitten 13 slides, met tekstslides.

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Welcome to English class!

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Today we are going to...

- read online.
- practise our grammar skills (again).

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Online reading

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Lesson goals
At the end of this class...
  • you have read online for 15 minutes.
  • you can compare things in English.

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Look back at the previous lesson
So, what have we learned last lesson?

Adjective - Comparative
& superlative

When do we add -er & -est ?
When do we add more and most?

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This is a colourful umbrella.

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I have a bad day.

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This perfume smells nice.

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Homework check

- Go to page 30.
- Let's check your answers in exercise 29, 31, 32 (& 33).

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Let's practise one more time!
  • Do the exercise on the handout.
  • Work in silence.
  • Finished? Do the Crossword puzzle.

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Comparative/superlative boardgame 
  • Roll the dice to move around the game board. 
  • Use the word in the box to make a comparative and then a superlative.
  • CHALLENGE: Make a comparative/superlative sentence.

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Review the lesson
So, what have we learned today?

1. You have read online for 15 minutes.
2. You can compare things in English.

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Homework & next lesson
  • Study the vocabulary on page 72 & 73 of your Sterk book.
  • Vocab test!!

Next lesson:
Vocab test.
Context clues.

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