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Reading "The Story of Moddey Dhoo"
Reading Practice
Reading: aloud taking turns
You received a document in the chat, but you can also read along in this LessonUp.
Homework = to finish where we left off
1 / 41
Slide 1:
Middelbare school
havo, vwo
Leerjaar 2
In deze les zitten
41 slides
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Lesduur is:
30 min
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Reading Practice
Reading: aloud taking turns
You received a document in the chat, but you can also read along in this LessonUp.
Homework = to finish where we left off
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
When it's your turn, turn on your mic and start reading the paragraph(s) that's on the LessonUp screen.
Pay attention
, as we're going to switch turns while reading.
After each part, we're going to summarize and fill in the blanks.
before reading, take a look at the heading, subheadings and picture. You can click on the text to enlarge.
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
You can click on the text to enlarge.
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
What's the text about, do you think? You may answer in Dutch.
Slide 4 - Open vraag
Paragraph 1 - 4
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
In those days there were S___________ stationed at Peel Castle as guards.
Slide 6 - Open vraag
it was the duty of one the guards to L___________ the great castle gate and take the key down the passage
Slide 7 - Open vraag
he key was taken down through the darkness of the passage and placed into the Captain’s own H___________,
Slide 8 - Open vraag
he soldiers would get together in the guard’s room and light a F_______ to dispel the cold
Slide 9 - Open vraag
they would spend the evening drinking ale and telling S___________.
Slide 10 - Open vraag
The Appearance of the Black Dog
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
Its presence was a complete mystery, always appearing after the G___________ were shut.
Slide 12 - Open vraag
would be seen in different parts of the C___________ and grounds.
Slide 13 - Open vraag
he dog would be heard padding down the passage to E___________ the guard’s room
Slide 14 - Open vraag
it would get up and pad into the passage and D___________ until evening when it would reappear again.
Slide 15 - Open vraag
However, now, instead of one S___________ taking the key to the Captain’s quarters, two would go.
Slide 16 - Open vraag
The Drunken Soldier
Slide 17 - Tekstslide
To show his fellow soldiers his courage he taunted the B___________,
Slide 18 - Open vraag
again challenging the dog to F___________ to see if it was mortal, or supernatural.
Slide 19 - Open vraag
they heard the most deathly and terrible cries and S___________ coming from the passage,
Slide 20 - Open vraag
The Return of The Soldier
Slide 21 - Tekstslide
The drunken soldier fell through the door into the room, his F___________ white and twisted with fear,
Slide 22 - Open vraag
he was dead taking the secret of his ordeal to the G___________.
Slide 23 - Open vraag
Could it be true?
Slide 24 - Tekstslide
where a black dog would be B___________ alive to protect the church and grounds from the devil.
Slide 25 - Open vraag
Open Questions
Anwer the questions. Find the anwers in the text.
Use the text you've received in the chat/Magister or enlarge the picture in the LessonUp slide.
Slide 26 - Tekstslide
1. Waarom waren er soldaten geplaatst op Peel Castle?
Slide 27 - Open vraag
2a. Wat was de taak van de soldaten ‘s avonds?
Slide 28 - Open vraag
2b. Hoe kwam je bij de kamer van de Captain?
Slide 29 - Open vraag
2c. Wat deden ze nadat de taak volbracht was?
Slide 30 - Open vraag
3a. De hond verscheen nadat de poorten gesloten waren
Slide 31 - Quizvraag
3b. De hond zat steeds op dezelfde plek in het kasteel.
Slide 32 - Quizvraag
3c. De hond hield de soldaten in de gaten en volgde hen overal.
Slide 33 - Quizvraag
3d. De hond verdween steeds via de tunnel na zonsopgang
Slide 34 - Quizvraag
4. Op welke manier veranderden de soldaten hun gedrag, in het bijzijn van de hond?
Slide 35 - Open vraag
5. “His fellow soldiers did their best to dissuade him, he would have none of it”. Wat wordt hier bedoeld?
Slide 36 - Open vraag
6. Wat deed de dronken soldaat?
Slide 37 - Open vraag
7. Wat gebeurde er met de soldaat nadat hij terugkeerde?
Slide 38 - Open vraag
8a. Wat deden ze vroeger om de kerk en het kerkhof tegen de duivel te beschermen?
Slide 39 - Open vraag
8b. Waaruit blijkt dat dit wel eens zou kunnen kloppen?
Slide 40 - Open vraag
We're done!
Finish the exercises where we left off.
In Magister you'll find the instructions on how
to finish this reading exercise on your own
in LessonUp. Make sure to fill
in your
own name
so I can check!
Text provided by
Tom Offermans.
Slide 41 - Tekstslide
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