Toetsbespreking Leesvaardigheid 3Havo

Toetsbespreking Leesvaardigheid
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 21 slides, met tekstslides.

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Toetsbespreking Leesvaardigheid

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

We gaan eerst de hele toets bespreken. Als er aan het eind vragen zijn, dan steek je je hand op en roep ik je bij me.

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

1 - ‘so they can take their dogs to work with them.’ Wat zou hier het voordeel van zijn volgens de tekst? Geef antwoord in het Nederlands
Een antwoord met de volgende strekking:
dat de sfeer (op het werk) verbetert / dat er beter gewerkt wordt

"They are hoping some canine company could help make the atmosphere more constructive. “A dog has a positive effect on its environment,” 

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

2 -  What is the point made about the dog show Crufts in paragraph 1?
D - It is planning to introduce a new show category.
"But for the first time this year Crufts, the Kennel Club’s dog show, will feature a competition for crossbreeds and mongrels."

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

 3 - Why are Becky and Alfie (par. 2) mentioned?
B To illustrate that all kinds of dogs are allowed to take part in the Crufts competition

"Alongside animals that have been bred to succeed will be Becky, rescued from the River Lagan near Belfast seven years ago, and Alfie, who was once so skinny that his ribs protruded from his flanks."

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

4 -  ‘After years of criticism’ (alinea 2) Welke maatregelen om de kritiek weg te nemen had The Kennel Club al eerder genomen?
Citeer (= schrijf over uit de tekst) de eerste twee woorden van alinea 3, 4 of 5 waarin deze maatregelen genoemd worden.

The Kennel Club rewrote its breed standards, changing the wish-list characteristics that could lead to health problems in some dogs and introducing in-show vet check, after the outcry. 

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5 - Kies bij 5 in alinea 3 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.
A For example, (bijvoorbeeld)
B In the meantime (ondertussen)
C On top of that (daarnaast)
D That is why (daarom)

For example  the Dogs Trust and the RSPCA pulled out of the show, in 2008. 

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6 - What becomes clear about Clarissa Baldwin from paragraph 5?
A She believes the Kennel Club has taken steps in the right direction.
Clarissa Baldwin, the head of the Dogs Trust, said: “Clearly, the Kennel Club has done a lot to improve things.

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7 -  Kies bij 5 in alinea 6 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden. 
A concerned (bezorgd)
B thrilled (enthousiast)
C unconvinced (niet overtuigd)

He was concerned that people believed crossbreeds were always healthier. 

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8 - How does the writer introduce the topic of this text in paragraph 1?
C by referring to a statement recently made by Gordon Ramsay

The TV star and sometime chef, Gordon Ramsay, has admitted planting a camera in his teenage daughter’s bedroom to make sure she’s studying and not making out with her boyfriend

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

9 - What is the main point made in paragraph 2?
C The behaviour of parents is reflected in the actions of their children.

The unpleasant truth of that is that parents then have to look at their own role

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 10 - ‘This makes it all their fault, their failings.’ (alinea 2) Naar wie verwijst ‘their’?Je mag in het Engels of in het Nederlands antwoorden
.(hun) kinderen / tieners / (my) children
Opmerking:  Voor alleen een vertaling van ‘their’ geen scorepunt toekennen.
Why can’t my children trust me? It’s far easier, in those situations, to put away the mirror and get out a camera, or flick through a diary, or scroll through text messages. This makes it all their fault, their failings. Which is really convenient for the parent.

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11 - Kies bij 11 in alinea 3 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.
A - Arrogance  (arrogantie)
B - Confidence (zelfvertrouwen)
C - Dishonesty (oneerlijkheid)
D - Obedience (gehoorzaamheid)
E - Respect (respect)
” If you spy on your children they won’t stop doing what they’re doing, they’ll simply become better at hiding stuff. After all, that’s what you’re teaching them: dishonesty

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

12 - Why does the writer mention a headline in paragraph 1?
A - to demonstrate a positive approach towards dealing with setbacks
"but I was pleased to see the Daily Telegraph headline that stated “England manager Roy Hodgson sees a brighter future following elimination from 2014 World Cup finals.”

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

13 -  Kies bij 13 in alinea 2 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.
A -Denial of => Ontkenning van
B - Dislike of => afkeer van
C - Indifference to => onverschilligheid t.a.v
D response to => antwoord op

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

 14 - What is the main function of paragraph 3?
A to contradict the main point made in this text
B to give new information about the main point made in this text
C to illustrate the main point made in this text
D to put the main point made in this text in a scientific context

"Failing your way to succes => If you view them as learning experiences, they will benefit you."

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15 - Kies bij 15 in alinea 4 het juiste antwoord uit de gegeven mogelijkheden.
A In other words,= > met andere woorden
B On top of this, => daarbovenop
C To the contrary, => in tegenstelling

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

 16 Which of the following is meant with ‘occasional bumps’ in the last sentence?
A disappointing moments => Teleurstellende momenten
B rare experiences => zeldzame ervaringen
C regular conflicts => regelmatige conflicten
D unreachable goals => onbereikbare doelen

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 17 - In de tekst zijn vier woorden weggelaten ( a , b , c en d ).
Kies voor elk gat het juiste woord uit de volgende mogelijkheden:
1 bitter
2 fresh
3 kid-friendly
4 picky
5 traditional
Schrijf de nummers achter de letters
Vier antwoorden goed = 2 punten. Drie antwoorden = 1 punt

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

A - 3  => Kid-friendly
B - 4 => Picky
C - 1 => Bitter
D - 5 => Traditional

Twee punten als je alle 4 goed hebt, 1 punt als je er 3 hebt, geen bij 2 of minder.

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

 18 - Which of the following is true, according to this text?
A Brussels sprouts can contain harmful substances.
B Oranges are less beneficial to one’s health than assumed.
C People have a natural resistance to certain flavours.
Reluctance to wolf them down stems from survival instinct, as toxins tend to have a bitter taste, just like sprouts. 

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