Grammar recap: degrees of comparison

Grammar recap: degrees of comparison
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Grammar recap: degrees of comparison

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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StudyGo - unit 3
Teams - worksheets degrees of comparison

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Degrees of comparison

Slide 3 - Woordweb

What do these words mean in dutch?
  1. nice - nicer - nicest
  2. old - older - oldest
  3. funny - funnier - funniest 
  4. dangerous - more dangerous - most dangerous
  5. interesting - more interesting - most interesting 
Compare it with a staircase

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Rule short words: 
Short words (1 syllable) + er/est
Word ending with an e + r/st
Word ending with an y (and before y = consonant) - (y=i) + er/est
Doubled letters (sound) - (doubled letter) + er/est (big - biggest)

Syllable - lettergreep
Consonant - medeklinker

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Rule long words: 
Long words (2 or more syllables) + more/most
For example - beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful
For words of two or more syllables, use more (than) and (the) most. 
For example - powerful - more powerful than - the most powerful

Syllable - lettergreep
Consonant - medeklinker

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

1 syllable = short 
2 syllables = short 
2 syllables = long
3+ syllables = long
more afraid
more difficult
most afraid
most difficult

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Good - better - best.
Bad - worse - worst.
Little - less - least. 

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
.... - Smaller - ....

Slide 9 - Open vraag

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
popular - .... - ....

Slide 10 - Open vraag

Degrees of comparison
Katy is ..... (happy) than her friend.

Slide 11 - Open vraag

Degrees of Comparison
My little sister is the .... (young).

Slide 12 - Open vraag

The degrees of comparisons is the ... (difficult) grammar item.

Slide 13 - Open vraag

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
High - .... - ....

Slide 14 - Open vraag

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
Heavy - .... - ....

Slide 15 - Open vraag

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
.... - .... - most expensive

Slide 16 - Open vraag

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
little - .... - ....

Slide 17 - Open vraag

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
.... - shorter - ....

Slide 18 - Open vraag

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
bad - .... - ....

Slide 19 - Open vraag

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
.... - worse - ....

Slide 20 - Open vraag

Fill in the missing forms of the degrees of comparison:
.... - better - ....

Slide 21 - Open vraag

Degrees of comparison

My mum is the ... (nice) woman in the world.

Slide 22 - Open vraag

Work on your own: 
StudyGo - unit 3
Teams - worksheets degrees of comparison

Slide 23 - Tekstslide