week 2 Keuzedeel Engels BEV

Keuzedeel Engels
les 2
-Keuzedeel aangeschaft?
-Speaking activiteit
-Writing activiteit
-Listening activiteit

-Lever jouw schrijfopdracht(en) in
via its learning.
1 / 12
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1,2

In deze les zitten 12 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Keuzedeel Engels
les 2
-Keuzedeel aangeschaft?
-Speaking activiteit
-Writing activiteit
-Listening activiteit

-Lever jouw schrijfopdracht(en) in
via its learning.

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Keuzedeel al aangeschaft?
Over een aantal weken kom je de les in principe niet meer in als je deze nog niet hebt aangeschaft.
Uitzonderingen zoals FIS even persoonlijk / via mail kenbaar maken.

MBO webshop link

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Examens zijn ingepland, houd je email goed in de gaten!
Mist je email?
Check je: prullenbak (wellicht per ongeluk verwijderd?)
Ongewenst folder, het zou zomaar in je ongewenst/spam folder terecht gekomen kunnen zijn.

Geen email? 
Laat het mevrouw Booij zo snel mogelijk weten!


Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Visit this link, listen to the audio and then answer the questions.

Listening activity
crime & prisons

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

1) Are you afraid of becoming a victim of crime?
2) Is crime a problem where you live?
3) What do you think the most common crime in your country is? 
4) Do you worry about Internet crimes?
5) Do you think people working in security should be armed with more equipment?
6) Do you think criminals are punished harshly for their crimes?
7) What do you think could be done to reduce crime?
Speaking activity
Speaking about crime

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

- You read this in an article about security and safety:
"Some people do not think about safety because they feel their city is safe. Maybe they never had a problem before, so they do not worry. But other people are very careful. They always watch out for suspicious people and watch their surroundings. I think your experiences and where you live can change how you feel about security."

Respond in about 200 words and give your opinion. Give a few examples. (A2/B1 niveau).
Writing activity

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

- You read this in an article about the police:
"Some people feel safe when they see the police. They believe the police protect people from danger. Maybe they had a good experience with the police before, so they trust them. But other people feel nervous around the police. They might think the police are too strict or unfair. Sometimes, bad experiences or news stories can change how people feel about the police."

Respond in about 200 words and give your opinion. Give a few examples. (B1 niveau).
Writing activity

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

- You read this response to an article about organised crimes and the people behind those crimes.:
"I think that people are born with a gene that makes them commit a crime. It also has to do with someone's race or where someone is born. People from lower income communities usually commit more crimes than people from the better communities."

Respond in about 200 words and give your opinion. Give a few examples. (B1/B2 niveau).
Writing activity

Slide 8 - Tekstslide


Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Finished your writing activity?
- Save your word document, upload it to ChatGPT and copy and paste this question:
"Could you read this document and evaluate my English level on a CEFR basis?"
- Laat het vervolgens aan je docent zien, copy and paste het antwoord van ChatGPT onder je zelf geschreven stuk.
- Waarom?
Helpt ons en jezelf te zien op welk niveau je kan schrijven.

Writing activity
crime: vervolg

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

-This week: Hand in your writing piece(s) via itslearning

-Complete the lesson on Taalblokken

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

- Lezen

- Luisteren

- Spreken

- Schrijven

Leerdoelen en einde van de les

Slide 12 - Tekstslide