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Literature v5
The rise of the novel
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Middelbare school
Leerjaar 5
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11 slides
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50 min
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The rise of the novel
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
How do you think the novel started to rise in popularity?
Slide 2 - Open vraag
The novel
Evolved from the prose fiction of the 18th century
15th century -> The invention of the printing press
1620 -> newspapers
1695 -> end of state censorship
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
What effect do you think the end of state censorship had?
Slide 4 - Open vraag
The novel
Before the end of state censorship every news article had to agree with the general ideas of the church and state
After there was freedom in what you could write and thus read
Newspapers grew in popularity
Readers were not only the rich anymore, the general public would also spent their time reading
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
The Novel
The public and the newspaper influenced each other
The public got used to reading prose
The newspaper had to adapt to keep all of their new readers interested
Together this created a simple logical prose style -> which was very characteristic of 18th century writing
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
The Novel
This development created a reader for
The Novel
Closely connected to the emergence of the middle class public
Trade and commerce, cities, middle class merchants and tradesmen
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
When you read a book, do you like to recognise yourself in the characters you read about?
I don't really mind either way
Slide 8 - Poll
The Novel
The middle class did not want to read poetry
They wanted to read "true stories" -> so they could recognise themselves
Novelists like Defoe, Richardson and Fielding presented their fictional works as fact
There was faith in the reader to be able to find the truth themselves
Slide 9 - Tekstslide
The Novel
This age was known as the age of Reason/age of Enlightenment
Reason and knowledge were expected to contribute to general human progress
Newspapers and Books helped spread ideas, not just in England but also Europe and America
Slide 10 - Tekstslide
Read #4
Do you understand all the terms and events described?
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
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