5h periode 2 week 3 en 4 en 5 - literatuurdossier en the circle en woots luisteren en accenten

SE bespreken
> Eerste het essay in groepjes van 4 a 5 + Shakira zelf
> Vergelijk: goede zinnen/punten
> Dingen die ontbreken
1 / 30
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

In deze les zitten 30 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

Onderdelen in deze les

SE bespreken
> Eerste het essay in groepjes van 4 a 5 + Shakira zelf
> Vergelijk: goede zinnen/punten
> Dingen die ontbreken

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Essay bespreken: brief
> Samen

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5h periode 2
How did the SE go?

(I'm still working on grading them, I stopped after the drama)

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Engels 5H Periode 2
SE = schrijfvaardigheid (SE week December)
SE = luistervaardigheid ( 23 Januari)

Beoordeling = Oud luisterexamen (10 jan. = morgen)
Beoordeling = Examen idioom toets ( H: 1, 7, 9, 10 en 13) (30 jan)

Aftekening = proef essay
Aftekening = literatuurdossier

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Waar sta je nu?
Wat moet je nog?
Bekijk de opdracht goed (!) en maak een plan / planning
In de week na de vakantie lever je het in!

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Kijken en luisteren practise

The Circle (documentary)

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Slide 8 - Link

Friday 17th
Havo 5

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Literatuurdossier: werktijd
> 3 boeken (1 vorig jaar al gelezen!)

> Outline of the literature file:
1) Per book you make a written story analysis OR a literary mind map OR a timeline of the most important events: per book 1 of the above assignments.
2) You also make assignments of your own choice for the three books you read in addition to a story analysis/mind map/timeline.
3)  Also include the assignments we do in class about the short stories and the graphic novel Maus (that you did or we will do in preparation for the school exams). 


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Before we move on, take note: after the break week:
1) bring your book again and make sure you've read enough to be able to talk about it (we'll do a book club session)
2) Bring your laptop & EARPHONES as we will be practising a  listening exam

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Practise listening 
getting familiar with different accents

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Slide 14 - Link


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Book club session.
Groups of 3
Choose 3 questions to talk about in your group.

1) Was there any part of the plot or aspects of the characters that frustrated or upset you? If so, why?
2) How thought-provoking did you find the book?  Did the book change your opinion about anything, or did you learn something new from it? If so, what? 
3) Did you highlight or bookmark any passages from the book? Did you have a favorite quote or quotes? If so, share which and why?
4) From your point of view, what were the central themes of the book? How well do you think the author did at exploring them?
5) How would you adapt this book into a movie? Who would you cast in the leading roles?


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Ted talk feedback forms & Writing SE

Ask anything that is not clear or that you disagree with 

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Oefenen luistervaardigheid
(max 35 minutes)

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5h - friday

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Reading time

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book club session - group of 3

1) Was there any part of the plot or aspects of the characters that frustrated or upset you? If so, why?
2) How thought-provoking did you find the book?  Did the book change your opinion about anything, or did you learn something new from it? If so, what? 
3) Did you highlight or bookmark any passages from the book? Did you have a favorite quote or quotes? If so, share which and why?
4) From your point of view, what were the central themes of the book? How well do you think the author did at exploring them?
5) Compare this book to other books you have read by the same author, or other books you have read covering the same or similar themes.  How are they the same or different?
6) How would you adapt this book into a movie? Who would you cast in the leading roles?

Summarize everything that you discussed. It only needs to be about your own book.
Write it in a word document. Call it: (your name) Book club session 1 and save it on your laptop.  
You can put this in your literatuurdossier


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Add these new observations and thoughts to your literature file

Write them down now: find a place for them in our assignments
Work on your literature file now

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Week 5!
havo 5

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Reading time

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Extra luisteren oefenen (accenten)? 

Like we did last week?

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Quizlet exam vocabulary
coming up

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Slide 27 - Link

Reading practise
Examen 2023: deel 1
Our focus today:
Vragen goed lezen
Antwoorden goed lezen

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Literatuurdossier: werktijd
> 3 boeken (1 vorig jaar al gelezen

> Outline of the literature file:
1) Per book you make a written story analysis OR a literary mind map OR a timeline of the most important events: per book 1 of the above assignments.

2) You also make assignments of your own choice for the three books you read in addition to a story analysis/mind map/timeline.

3)  Also include the assignments we do in class about the short stories and the graphic novel Maus (that you did or we will do in preparation for the school exams). 

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Next up: stand up comedy, Sindhu Vee (Indian accent)

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