Reading ch.4

1 / 52
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 52 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

Onderdelen in deze les


Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
After today you can structure information from the text with the use of "sorteertaken" (A2/B1). 
After today you can make associations between different parts of the text (A2/B1). 
After today you can link your own ideas and your surroundings to the context of the text (A2/B1). 

  • Grammar: completing the exercises and checking your answers. 
  • Short instruction: How to work with "sorteertaken" . 
  • Completing the Lesson-Up and fulfilling the missions in pairs. 

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Time to work on your own 

Exercise 52, 53 and 54 starting on page 40. 

Time: 10 minutes. 
Voice level: first five minutes in silence. 
Finished early? Check your answers and complete exercise 56. 

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

A stamp
Time to work on your own 

Grab an answer sheet and check your answers. 


Slide 4 - Tekstslide

A stamp

  • Exercise 52b: 

  • Exercise 52d: 
  1. with 
  2. through 
  3. towards 

Exercise 53: 
  1. by 
  2. from 
  3. through 
  4. along 
  5. with 
  6. out of 
  7. of 
  8. from 
  9. of 
  10. with 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

A stamp

  • Exercise 54: 
  1. from 
  2. with 
  3. past 
  4. in 
  5. from 
  6. from 
  7. on 
  8. on 
  9. of 
  10. towards 
  11. on 

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

A stamp
Rounding off 

  1. She is travelling to school ___________ bike. 
  2. You're walking ________________ the classroom. 

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

A stamp
Do it yourself 

Go to Lesson-up, log in with your school account, enter the code and complete the tasks in Lesson-Up. 

Voice level: low. 
Finished? Study for the test or rest a little bit. 

Unknown words? Look at the context around the word. Is it similar to a Dutch word you know? 

class code: cokbv

The text on page 32. 

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

A stamp
Your mission
This is your story: You are with your family at an auction. There are three different items for sale. At first sight, all of them seem to be worth a fortune. However, the truth is not that simple. One of them is very inexpensive. You need to find out which items are on sale and which one is the inexpensive one to make sure you or your family members do not bid on this item. If you read the text and complete the tasks in Lesson-Up, you will obtain clues which will lead you to the correct item and provide you with a reward. 

--> Go to the next page for more instructions. 

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Your mission instructions
 Some of the tasks you're going to complete are done in pairs, while others on your own. For every task there is a short instruction which tells you how to work. 

  When you've completed a certain amount of the tasks in a good manner you can show me your work and collect a stamp for your map and a clue. It will say so on the Lesson-up slide. If it's busy just continue and come back later. 

  Some tasks need to be done by everyone. These are on the slides with the green colour. Sometimes you've got a choice. The yellow slides are for you if you want some extra practise. The purple slides if you'd like a challenge. 

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Mission 1- task 1. 
  • You're all ready to start now! The first mission you're going to do is skimming through the text on page 32.  What do you notice? What do you think the text is about? And what do you already know about the subject of the text? 
  • Once you've skimmed through the text, complete the tasks on the following slides. This will help you get an understanding of the subject and read the text more easily. 
  • You can discuss these questions together, but please both enter your answer in the Lesson-Up. 
skimming = looking at the title, the pictures, the introduction and words in bold. 

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Task 2: Can you find the answer to this riddle? Use the information from the text.

I may be old, worn out, or nothing special at all,
Yet I can be worth a lot if you tell a good story.
I'm not a diamond or a painting, but my value lies in what you say,
What am I, often sold at auction with a story that stays?

Slide 12 - Open vraag

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Mission 1: task 3. 
Alright, so the text you're going to read is about significant objects. What do you already know about the value of an object? 

On the following slides you will see different objects. Decide how much you would pay for each object by answering the poll. 

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
What would you pay for a pen?

Slide 14 - Poll

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What would you pay for an iPhone?

Slide 15 - Poll

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What would you pay for football shoes?

Slide 16 - Poll

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What would you pay for a guitar?

Slide 17 - Poll

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What would you pay for football shoes worn by Rulli?

Slide 18 - Poll

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What would you pay for a pen if I would tell you this story about the pen?

Ella found an old, silver pen in her grandmother's drawer, hidden under a pile of letters. When she picked it up, she noticed it had strange symbols carved into the side. As soon as she clicked the pen, a glowing map appeared on the wall, showing the location of a hidden treasure. With the pen in hand, Ella knew her life was about to change forever.


Slide 19 - Poll

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What defines an objects worth?
You've answered all the polls and have thought about the value of each object. What defines an objects worth? Is that the price, its usefullness, perhaps the story behind it or something else? 

Share your thoughts in the wordweb on the following slide. 

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
What defines an objects worth?

Slide 21 - Woordweb

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Mission 1: task 4. 
You've skimmed through the text, answered the riddle and had a look at the value of objects. Do you now know what the text is going to be about? Share your thoughts in the wordweb on the following slide. 

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
What do you think you're going to read about?

Slide 23 - Woordweb

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Mission 1: task 5. 
You've almost completed the "before reading tasks" of your mission. 
For the last task you've got a choice: 
  • Watch the video on the yellow slide and answer the follow up questions if you want a better understanding of what you're going to read. 
  • Are you in for a challenge? Complete the tasks on the purple slides. 

You can complete these tasks on your own. So even though you're working in pairs you can each choose a different colour if you'd like so. 

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 

Slide 25 - Video

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What questions do you have about the significant objects project?

Slide 26 - Open vraag

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What is the significant objects project?

Slide 27 - Open vraag

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Go online. Search for an object which is significant, because of it's history. Explain which object you found and the story behind it.

Slide 28 - Open vraag

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You've just found an object which is significant, because of it's backstory. This is what the text is all about. What would you like to find out about the Significant Objects Project?

Slide 29 - Open vraag

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Mission 1 completed! 
Congratulations! You've completed the first mission.
Show me your work to see if you've passed the mission, to collect your reward and a clue. 

--> Continue with the second mission on the following slides. 

Slide 30 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Mission 2: Task 1 

Onto mission 2. For your first task you're going to read the text globally. Once you've done that answer the questions on the following slides. You can discuss these questions together, but you each need to enter your answers in the Lesson-up. 
Global reading = reading to understand the main ideas of the text. 

Slide 31 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
What is the Significant objects project?

Slide 32 - Open vraag

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Why do you think Rob Walker and Josh Glenn used fictional stories (verzonnen verhalen) and not just descriptions of the object or of the history of the object?

Slide 33 - Open vraag

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Mission 2: Task 2
  • Read the entire text carefully. While reading you're going to create your own "sorteertaak" in pairs. Use the instruction paper and the steps underneath to help you. 
  1. On your own, create a sketch of your "sorteertaak" on paper. The first two are already given: consumer and auctions. 
  2. Once finished, combine your two sketches and enter your final version in this padlet:
  3. Use your "sorteertaak" to answer the questions about the reading text on the following slides. 

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Mission 2: Task 3
  • Answer the following open ended questions about the reading text. Use your "sorteertaak" and the text. First answer all the questions on the yellow slides. You can discuss these together. Then, choose to either answer the questions on the yellow slide if you would like to practise some more or the questions on the purple slides if you would like an extra challenge. 

Slide 35 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
What strategies does the author of the text use in paragraph 1 to introduce the topic of the text?

Slide 36 - Open vraag

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How does paragraph 9 relate to paragraph 8? Why do you think the author wanted to include this example?

Slide 37 - Open vraag

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One of the reasons that add value to an insignificant object is combining it with a unique tale (par.3). What other three reasons from the article add value to such an insignificant object?

Slide 38 - Open vraag

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In what way does paragraph 11 conclude the text? How does it connect to the main idea presented at the beginning of the text?

Slide 39 - Open vraag

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What was the purpose of this article? Explain your answer.

Slide 40 - Open vraag

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Who are the people behind the Significant objects project?

Slide 41 - Open vraag

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Why did the author of the text mention the piggy bank (paragraph 4)? It is mentioned to show......

Slide 42 - Open vraag

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If you had to summarize the article by focusing on three key paragraphs, which ones would you choose and why?

Slide 43 - Open vraag

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How did the Significant Objects Project show the impact of storytelling on the value of the objects?

Slide 44 - Open vraag

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Compare the structure of this text to another informative text you have recently read or try to find a news article online. Which one is better structured, and why?

Slide 45 - Open vraag

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Come up with an alternative way to structure the text. Would starting with a real-life example or a famous experiment for example make the text stronger? Why?

Slide 46 - Open vraag

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Mission 2: Task 3
Well done! You've completed mission 2! Grab an answer sheet from my desk, check your answers and correct them in Lesson-UP if necessary. 

  • Do you have any questions left? Please walk to my desk and ask for help. 
  • No questions at all? Show me your work to collect a reward and your second clue. Then continue with mission 3 on the following slides. 

Slide 47 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Mission 3: Task 1 
You've read the text and answered all the questions. Now, it's up to you to combine the information from the text with places and objects in and from your neighbourhood. 

  1. Choose a very simple object you've got in your home, at school or at your sports or music club. Choose an object which is not worth a lot of money: An insignificant object. 
  2. Write a story about this object. Include information from Dieren and surroundings, but make sure you're story is also fictional. Write around 60 words. 
  3. Enter the object and the story you wrote in this map on Padlet:   Include your name and pin your story at the location where you could find the object you chose. 

Slide 48 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Mission 3: Task 1 
How to submit your story to the Padlet? 
  1. open the link. 
  2. Click on the plus. 
  3. Enter your location. 
  4. Add your story. 

Slide 49 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Mission 3: Task 2
Congrulations! You're almost finished. Go over to the next slide to write a summary of the text. 
Include all the information you got from the questions you've answered, the tasks you've completed and the "sorteertaak" you created. 

Slide 50 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien. 
Write your summary of the text:

Slide 51 - Open vraag

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Mission 3: Task 3
Now you have written your summary you're going to complete the last task of this lesson. 
Let me know what you thought of this reading lesson by completing the questionnaire in google forms:
Be honest, but respectful. This helps me to design better lessons for you. Thank you! 

All finished! Well done to you! Show me your work to collect a reward and your final clue. 
Figure out together which of the objects is actually an insignificant object and tell me your answer. 

Slide 52 - Tekstslide

Ondersteboven draaien.